44. Red-tailed Phascogale Phascogale calura French: Petit Phascogale / German: Kleine Pinselschwanzbeutelmaus / Spanish: Fascogalo de cola roja Other common names: Red-tailed \Wambenger Taxonomy. Phascogale calura Gould, 1844, Williams River, Military Station, Western Australia, Australia. The type specimen of P. calura was collected by J. Gilbert at the “Military Station on the Williams River,” 150 km south-east of Perth (Western Australia’s capital) in 1843, the early years of European settlement. J. Gould formally named the species a year later. At the time of capture, Gilbert commented “I was indebted to a domestic cat who had captured it in the night. The soldiers informed me that they had often met with it in the storer...
43. Quokka Setonix brachyurus French: Quokka / German: Quokka / Spanish: Ualabi de cola corta ...
36. Herbert's Rock Wallaby Petrogale herberti French: Wallaby de Herbert / German: Herbert-Fel...
37. Unadorned Rock Wallaby Petrogale inornata French: Wallaby terne / German: Queensland-Felsk...
This study investigated the ecology of the marsupial brush-tailed phascogale (Phascogale tapoatafa; ...
Red-tailed phascogales (Phascogale calura) were reintroduced to Wadderin Sanctuary in the eastern wh...
17. Red-bellied Phascogale Phascolosorex doriae French: Dasyure a ventre rouge / German: Orang...
31. Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby Petrogale xanthopus French: Wallaby a pattes jaunes / German: G...
28. Nabarlek Petrogale concinna French: Nabarlek / German: Zwergfelskanguru / Spanish: Ualabi ...
55. Red-necked Wallaby Notamacropus rufogriseus French: Wallaby de Bennett / German: Rotnacken...
34. Purple-necked Rock Wallaby Petrogale purpureicollis French: Wallaby violacé / German: Purp...
38. Allied Rock Wallaby Petrogale assimilis French: Wallaby de Ramsay / German: Variables Fels...
Red-tailed phascogales Phascogales calura are near-threatened (Friend, 2008) arboreal Dasyurids. A b...
Nine phascogales (7 females, 2 males) were radio-tracked between March and July 1999 to investigate ...
32. Rothschild’s Rock Wallaby Petrogale rothschildi French: Wallaby de Rothschild / German: Ro...
8. Bridled Nail-tailed Wallaby Onychogalea fraenata French: Wallaby bridé / German: Nagelschwa...
43. Quokka Setonix brachyurus French: Quokka / German: Quokka / Spanish: Ualabi de cola corta ...
36. Herbert's Rock Wallaby Petrogale herberti French: Wallaby de Herbert / German: Herbert-Fel...
37. Unadorned Rock Wallaby Petrogale inornata French: Wallaby terne / German: Queensland-Felsk...
This study investigated the ecology of the marsupial brush-tailed phascogale (Phascogale tapoatafa; ...
Red-tailed phascogales (Phascogale calura) were reintroduced to Wadderin Sanctuary in the eastern wh...
17. Red-bellied Phascogale Phascolosorex doriae French: Dasyure a ventre rouge / German: Orang...
31. Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby Petrogale xanthopus French: Wallaby a pattes jaunes / German: G...
28. Nabarlek Petrogale concinna French: Nabarlek / German: Zwergfelskanguru / Spanish: Ualabi ...
55. Red-necked Wallaby Notamacropus rufogriseus French: Wallaby de Bennett / German: Rotnacken...
34. Purple-necked Rock Wallaby Petrogale purpureicollis French: Wallaby violacé / German: Purp...
38. Allied Rock Wallaby Petrogale assimilis French: Wallaby de Ramsay / German: Variables Fels...
Red-tailed phascogales Phascogales calura are near-threatened (Friend, 2008) arboreal Dasyurids. A b...
Nine phascogales (7 females, 2 males) were radio-tracked between March and July 1999 to investigate ...
32. Rothschild’s Rock Wallaby Petrogale rothschildi French: Wallaby de Rothschild / German: Ro...
8. Bridled Nail-tailed Wallaby Onychogalea fraenata French: Wallaby bridé / German: Nagelschwa...
43. Quokka Setonix brachyurus French: Quokka / German: Quokka / Spanish: Ualabi de cola corta ...
36. Herbert's Rock Wallaby Petrogale herberti French: Wallaby de Herbert / German: Herbert-Fel...
37. Unadorned Rock Wallaby Petrogale inornata French: Wallaby terne / German: Queensland-Felsk...