Rutschmann, Florin, Schlegel, Jürg, Marggi, Werner A. (2012): Bembidion (Peryphanes) italicum De Monte, 1943 - Erstnachweis nördlich der Schweizer Alpen (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Entomo Helvetica 5: 89-94, DOI: 10.5169/seals-98612
Illustrated and commented identification keys are given for all Bembidiina species of the French fau...
Bembidion (Bembidionetolitzkya) concoeruleum NETOLITZKY 1943 E u r o p e a n T u r k e y: "Umg. V....
FIGURES 11–12. Fig. 11, sclerite IX of Bembidion (Chilioperyphus) cuyanus nov. sp. Fig. 12, female g...
What is actually Bembidion (Peryphus) xanthomum Chaudoir, 1850 ? (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae)....
Fig. 3. Habitus de a) Bembidion gilvipes capturé à Hemishofen (SH), et b) B. schueppelii collecté à ...
Marggi, Werner (2013): Amara pulpani Kult, 1949 - Erstnachweise für die Schweiz (Coleoptera: Carabid...
Marggi, Werner, Walter, Thomas, Chittaro, Yannick (2019): Erstnachweise von Ocys tachysoides Antoine...
Bembidion hypocrita Dejean, 1831 Bembidion hypocrita illyricum Netolitzky, 1918 References. ...
Szallies, Aleexander (2013): Bemerkungen zu einigen alpinen Trechus-Arten (Coleoptera: Carabidae) de...
Schmid, Jürg (2013): Coleophora thymi M. Hering, 1942, neu für die Schweiz (Lepidoptera: Coleophorid...
Abb. 1. Steile Nordflanke unter dem Tomlishorn im Pilatusmassiv (NW). In den besonders felsigen Bere...
Toledano, Luca, Nakládal, Oto (2011): Bembidion (Plataphodes) kmecoi sp. nov. from China, Sichuan (C...
Identification keys for the French Bembidiina (Coleoptera Carabidae Trechinae) (Second part). — Illu...
Identification keys for the French Bembidiina (Coleoptera Carabidae Trechinae) - (Third part). - Il...
Germann, Christoph, Herger, Peter (2012): Beitrag zur Rüsselkäferfauna des Kantons Schwyz (Coleopter...
Illustrated and commented identification keys are given for all Bembidiina species of the French fau...
Bembidion (Bembidionetolitzkya) concoeruleum NETOLITZKY 1943 E u r o p e a n T u r k e y: "Umg. V....
FIGURES 11–12. Fig. 11, sclerite IX of Bembidion (Chilioperyphus) cuyanus nov. sp. Fig. 12, female g...
What is actually Bembidion (Peryphus) xanthomum Chaudoir, 1850 ? (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae)....
Fig. 3. Habitus de a) Bembidion gilvipes capturé à Hemishofen (SH), et b) B. schueppelii collecté à ...
Marggi, Werner (2013): Amara pulpani Kult, 1949 - Erstnachweise für die Schweiz (Coleoptera: Carabid...
Marggi, Werner, Walter, Thomas, Chittaro, Yannick (2019): Erstnachweise von Ocys tachysoides Antoine...
Bembidion hypocrita Dejean, 1831 Bembidion hypocrita illyricum Netolitzky, 1918 References. ...
Szallies, Aleexander (2013): Bemerkungen zu einigen alpinen Trechus-Arten (Coleoptera: Carabidae) de...
Schmid, Jürg (2013): Coleophora thymi M. Hering, 1942, neu für die Schweiz (Lepidoptera: Coleophorid...
Abb. 1. Steile Nordflanke unter dem Tomlishorn im Pilatusmassiv (NW). In den besonders felsigen Bere...
Toledano, Luca, Nakládal, Oto (2011): Bembidion (Plataphodes) kmecoi sp. nov. from China, Sichuan (C...
Identification keys for the French Bembidiina (Coleoptera Carabidae Trechinae) (Second part). — Illu...
Identification keys for the French Bembidiina (Coleoptera Carabidae Trechinae) - (Third part). - Il...
Germann, Christoph, Herger, Peter (2012): Beitrag zur Rüsselkäferfauna des Kantons Schwyz (Coleopter...
Illustrated and commented identification keys are given for all Bembidiina species of the French fau...
Bembidion (Bembidionetolitzkya) concoeruleum NETOLITZKY 1943 E u r o p e a n T u r k e y: "Umg. V....
FIGURES 11–12. Fig. 11, sclerite IX of Bembidion (Chilioperyphus) cuyanus nov. sp. Fig. 12, female g...