FIGURE 3. Scanning electron micrographs of four bryozoan species. A. Metrarabdotos aff. jani, detail of some autozooids showing orifice with small, slit-shaped sinus and lateral, elongate avicularium. B. Metrarabdotos sp., general view of the fragment showing some autozooids with almost circular orifice and a pair of lateral distal avicularium. C–G. Parasmittina distincta n. sp. C. General view of a fragment showing autozooids with two oral spine bases and different kinds of avicularia: shoe-shaped, triangular and elongate. D. General view of a fragment showing autozooids with almost circular orifice, large lyrula, three or four oral spine bases and shoe-shaped avicularium. E. Detail of orifice showing four oral spine bases, large anvil-sha...
FIGURES 42–47. 42–45. Celleporaria carvalhoi, UFBA 1610. 42, Group of autozooids with suboral umbos ...
FIGURES 36–41. Figures 36–37. Reptadeonella leilae, UFBA 1174. 36, Overview of encrusting colony wit...
FIGURES 84–89. Rhynchozoon brasiliensis n. sp., UFBA 1579, holotype, Bahia State, Brazil. 84, Zooids...
FIGURE 6. Scanning electron micrographs of three bryozoan species. A. Gemelliporina glabra, fragment...
FIGURE 2. Scanning electron micrographs of six bryozoan species. A. Steginoporella magnilabris, part...
FIGURE 3. Dibunostoma reversum (Harmer, 1926). A. Colony, showing autozooids, kenozooids (arrowhead)...
FIGURE 3. Bellulopora bellula (Osburn, 1950): A, growing edge of colony; B, C, orifice, showing spin...
FIGURE 3. M. collaroides n. sp., paratype specimen 2010-0003-0002 DPUV from Jeddah, Red Sea. A: part...
Figure 3. (a) Aetea sp. A: NSMT-Te 1053, zooids and interconnecting stolons. (b–f) Thalamoporella st...
FIGURE 3. Metrarabdotos sergipensis sp. nov. (MNRJ-358). A, Part of the colony. B, Part of a branch ...
FIGURE 12. A, B. Stephanollona domuspusilla Ramalho & Moraes n. sp. (Holotype MNRJBRY-1543). A. Auto...
FIGURE 12. A, B. Stephanollona domuspusilla Ramalho & Moraes n. sp. (Holotype MNRJBRY-1543). A. Auto...
FIGURE 3. Reteporella pelecanus López de la Cuadra & García-Gómez, 2001. A, MNCN 25.03/3993, general...
Figure 3. Distelopora bipilata Lang, Lower Cenomanian, Cambridge, England. A, part of a colony with ...
FIGURE 9. A–D. Thornelya atlanticoensis Ramalho & Moraes n. sp. (Holotype MNRJBRY-1452). A. Colony w...
FIGURES 42–47. 42–45. Celleporaria carvalhoi, UFBA 1610. 42, Group of autozooids with suboral umbos ...
FIGURES 36–41. Figures 36–37. Reptadeonella leilae, UFBA 1174. 36, Overview of encrusting colony wit...
FIGURES 84–89. Rhynchozoon brasiliensis n. sp., UFBA 1579, holotype, Bahia State, Brazil. 84, Zooids...
FIGURE 6. Scanning electron micrographs of three bryozoan species. A. Gemelliporina glabra, fragment...
FIGURE 2. Scanning electron micrographs of six bryozoan species. A. Steginoporella magnilabris, part...
FIGURE 3. Dibunostoma reversum (Harmer, 1926). A. Colony, showing autozooids, kenozooids (arrowhead)...
FIGURE 3. Bellulopora bellula (Osburn, 1950): A, growing edge of colony; B, C, orifice, showing spin...
FIGURE 3. M. collaroides n. sp., paratype specimen 2010-0003-0002 DPUV from Jeddah, Red Sea. A: part...
Figure 3. (a) Aetea sp. A: NSMT-Te 1053, zooids and interconnecting stolons. (b–f) Thalamoporella st...
FIGURE 3. Metrarabdotos sergipensis sp. nov. (MNRJ-358). A, Part of the colony. B, Part of a branch ...
FIGURE 12. A, B. Stephanollona domuspusilla Ramalho & Moraes n. sp. (Holotype MNRJBRY-1543). A. Auto...
FIGURE 12. A, B. Stephanollona domuspusilla Ramalho & Moraes n. sp. (Holotype MNRJBRY-1543). A. Auto...
FIGURE 3. Reteporella pelecanus López de la Cuadra & García-Gómez, 2001. A, MNCN 25.03/3993, general...
Figure 3. Distelopora bipilata Lang, Lower Cenomanian, Cambridge, England. A, part of a colony with ...
FIGURE 9. A–D. Thornelya atlanticoensis Ramalho & Moraes n. sp. (Holotype MNRJBRY-1452). A. Colony w...
FIGURES 42–47. 42–45. Celleporaria carvalhoi, UFBA 1610. 42, Group of autozooids with suboral umbos ...
FIGURES 36–41. Figures 36–37. Reptadeonella leilae, UFBA 1174. 36, Overview of encrusting colony wit...
FIGURES 84–89. Rhynchozoon brasiliensis n. sp., UFBA 1579, holotype, Bahia State, Brazil. 84, Zooids...