Electroinduced aldol condensation at platinum electrode

  • Sanjeev Kumar
  • L. K. Sharma
  • R. K. P. Singh
Publication date
November 2006


Electrochemical Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of Allahabad, Allahabad-211 002, Uttar Pradesh, India E-mail : rkp.singh@rediff.com Manuscript received 29 December 2005, revised 10 July 2006, accepted 23 August 2006 The electroinduced synthesis of aldols were carried out at controlled potential electrolysis in the neutral medium. The products are formed by the subsequent dehydration of aidols at the platinum cathode. The electrolysis was carried out at constant cathode potential in an electrolytic cell assembly containing reaction mixture,working as well as counter electrodes and a reference electrode. The products α methylcrotonaldehyde, α-methylcinnamaldehyde, α-methyl-p-methoxycinnamaldehyde and α-methyl-p-hydroxycinna...

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