In The Enchantress of Florence (2008), the story begins with the Mughal past of India, during the reign of Akbar when a traveller comes to the king's court and wants to share a secret with the king. The traveller's own history is episodic spanning many delocirs into exotic lands and regimes and his secret even more complicated. It is about a woman endowed with magical powers that holds men captive, ensnares them and so captivates their imaginary that they become her willing slaves. Thus the main theme of the novel revolves around sex and eroticism. The traveller to the Emperor Akbar's court claims to be his long lost relative who was the son of Qara Koz, the exiled sister of Babur. Akbar's grandfather. She had married an Italian from Floren...
This research is aimed at analyzing a literary work which is written by woman writer who has written...
ABSTRAK The rise of feminism and the issue of women subordination have long caught the attention a...
The Bride Price is one of the most influential modern novels authored by Buchi Emecheta through whic...
Salman Rushdie's The enchantress of Florence glances at history on a grand scale. This, his ninth no...
My article analyzes Salman Rushdie's critical engagement with humanism in The Enchantress of Florenc...
My essay intends to analyze the dialectic relationship between historical reality and fiction in the...
[[abstract]]This paper examines two contemporary British historical fictions, Bernardine Evaristo’s ...
Salman Rushdie's novel The Enchantress of Florence (2008) tells the story of a princess of the Mugha...
Salman Rushdie, by his own admission, has “repeatedly sought to create female characters as rich and...
In my thesis, I am going to explore the functions of the mirror metaphor in The Enchantress of Flore...
The Enchantress of Florence by Salman Rushdie. (New York: Random House, 2008. Pp. 368. $26.00 cloth.
[[abstract]]This paper discusses two contemporary British historical fictions, Bernardine Evaristo’s...
Mild psychological effects, such as sleep-deprivation, on an oppressed and tortured human being can ...
Postmodernist treatments of the past and history are typically criticized by historians. For the pos...
To begin with and Rushdian intertextuality Reading a fine book and then coming to its finishing I be...
This research is aimed at analyzing a literary work which is written by woman writer who has written...
ABSTRAK The rise of feminism and the issue of women subordination have long caught the attention a...
The Bride Price is one of the most influential modern novels authored by Buchi Emecheta through whic...
Salman Rushdie's The enchantress of Florence glances at history on a grand scale. This, his ninth no...
My article analyzes Salman Rushdie's critical engagement with humanism in The Enchantress of Florenc...
My essay intends to analyze the dialectic relationship between historical reality and fiction in the...
[[abstract]]This paper examines two contemporary British historical fictions, Bernardine Evaristo’s ...
Salman Rushdie's novel The Enchantress of Florence (2008) tells the story of a princess of the Mugha...
Salman Rushdie, by his own admission, has “repeatedly sought to create female characters as rich and...
In my thesis, I am going to explore the functions of the mirror metaphor in The Enchantress of Flore...
The Enchantress of Florence by Salman Rushdie. (New York: Random House, 2008. Pp. 368. $26.00 cloth.
[[abstract]]This paper discusses two contemporary British historical fictions, Bernardine Evaristo’s...
Mild psychological effects, such as sleep-deprivation, on an oppressed and tortured human being can ...
Postmodernist treatments of the past and history are typically criticized by historians. For the pos...
To begin with and Rushdian intertextuality Reading a fine book and then coming to its finishing I be...
This research is aimed at analyzing a literary work which is written by woman writer who has written...
ABSTRAK The rise of feminism and the issue of women subordination have long caught the attention a...
The Bride Price is one of the most influential modern novels authored by Buchi Emecheta through whic...