Bradabyssa verrucosa (Chamberlin, 1919) n. comb. Figure 30 Brada verrucosa Chamberlin, 1919: 399 –400, Pl. 68, Figs 3–6.—Fauchald 1972: 217. Type material. Eastern Pacific Ocean. Western Mexico. Holotype of Brada verrucosa (USNM 19341), three paratypes (USNM 19342), and five paratypes (MCZ 2373, labelled as syntypes, but Chamberlin handwritten tag records them as paratypes), R.V. Albatross, Tropical Pacific Expedition, Sta. 3417 (16°32' N, 99°48' W), 902 m, 11 April 1891 (three complete paratypes (USNM 19342) 42–60 mm long, 4.0– 5.5 mm wide, no cephalic chaetae, 52–53 chaetigers; complete paratypes (MCZ 2373) 32.5–65.0 mm long, 3.7–6.0 mm wide, no cephalic chaetae, 49–52 chaetigers). Additional material. Gulf of California. One sp...
Pseudovermilia conchata ten Hove, 1975 (Figures 9E–F) Pseudovermilia conchata ten Hove, 1975: 88...
Kirkegaardia playita new species Figures 14 urn: lsid: act: 8DC06F57-1357-470C-A60D-...
Alexandrella pulchra Ren in Ren & Huang, 1991 Fig. 337 Bathypanoploea schellenbergi Holman & Wat...
Bradabyssa abyssalis (Fauchald, 1972) n. comb. Figure 19 Pherusa abyssalis Fauchald, 1972: 226 –...
Amphitritides bruneocomata (Ehlers, 1887) Figures 3 F–J Terebella bruneocomata Ehlers, 1887: 237...
Therochaeta caudata (Rioja, 1963) n. comb. (Fig. 2) Yliphagus caudatus Rioja, 1963: 191-195, fig...
Daylithos dieteri n. sp. Figure 21 Stylarioides parmatus: Ehlers 1907:21–22; Augener 1926:180–18...
Treptopale watsonae (Cruz-Gómez & Bastida-Zavala, 2018) n. comb. Figs 7, 12 LSID: urn:lsid:zooban...
Group “ verrucosa ” Key to species 1 Mid-body segments with dorsal tubercles of two markedly differ...
Piromis vossae n. sp. Figure 10 Type material. Western Atlantic Ocean. Holotype (USNM 1146766) a...
Chaetozone corona Berkeley and Berkeley, 1941 Figure 3 A–C. Chaetozone spinosa corona Berkeley &...
Semiodera salazarae n. sp. Figure 12 Type material. Eastern Tropical Pacific, Mexico. Holotype ...
Flabelligera orensanzi n. sp. Figure 10 Flabelligera affinis: Rullier & Amoureux 1979:183 (non S...
Munidopsis hystrix Faxon, 1893 (Fig. 14 a–h.) Material examined Lectotype. MEXICO: Nayarit, o...
Paleaequor psamathe Watson Russell, 1986 Figs 13, 26 Paleaequor psamathe Watson Russell, 1986: 1...
Pseudovermilia conchata ten Hove, 1975 (Figures 9E–F) Pseudovermilia conchata ten Hove, 1975: 88...
Kirkegaardia playita new species Figures 14 urn: lsid: act: 8DC06F57-1357-470C-A60D-...
Alexandrella pulchra Ren in Ren & Huang, 1991 Fig. 337 Bathypanoploea schellenbergi Holman & Wat...
Bradabyssa abyssalis (Fauchald, 1972) n. comb. Figure 19 Pherusa abyssalis Fauchald, 1972: 226 –...
Amphitritides bruneocomata (Ehlers, 1887) Figures 3 F–J Terebella bruneocomata Ehlers, 1887: 237...
Therochaeta caudata (Rioja, 1963) n. comb. (Fig. 2) Yliphagus caudatus Rioja, 1963: 191-195, fig...
Daylithos dieteri n. sp. Figure 21 Stylarioides parmatus: Ehlers 1907:21–22; Augener 1926:180–18...
Treptopale watsonae (Cruz-Gómez & Bastida-Zavala, 2018) n. comb. Figs 7, 12 LSID: urn:lsid:zooban...
Group “ verrucosa ” Key to species 1 Mid-body segments with dorsal tubercles of two markedly differ...
Piromis vossae n. sp. Figure 10 Type material. Western Atlantic Ocean. Holotype (USNM 1146766) a...
Chaetozone corona Berkeley and Berkeley, 1941 Figure 3 A–C. Chaetozone spinosa corona Berkeley &...
Semiodera salazarae n. sp. Figure 12 Type material. Eastern Tropical Pacific, Mexico. Holotype ...
Flabelligera orensanzi n. sp. Figure 10 Flabelligera affinis: Rullier & Amoureux 1979:183 (non S...
Munidopsis hystrix Faxon, 1893 (Fig. 14 a–h.) Material examined Lectotype. MEXICO: Nayarit, o...
Paleaequor psamathe Watson Russell, 1986 Figs 13, 26 Paleaequor psamathe Watson Russell, 1986: 1...
Pseudovermilia conchata ten Hove, 1975 (Figures 9E–F) Pseudovermilia conchata ten Hove, 1975: 88...
Kirkegaardia playita new species Figures 14 urn: lsid: act: 8DC06F57-1357-470C-A60D-...
Alexandrella pulchra Ren in Ren & Huang, 1991 Fig. 337 Bathypanoploea schellenbergi Holman & Wat...