206. Bighorn Sheep Ovis canadensis French: Mouflon d’Amérique / German: Dickhornschaf / Spanish: Carnero de las Rocosas Other common names: Mountain Sheep; Audubon Bighorn (auduboni), California Bighorn (californiana), Desert Bighorn Sheep (mexicana, nelsoni, weemsi) Taxonomy. Ovis canadensis Shaw, 1804, Alberta, Canada. Subspecies boundaries and number of taxa need clarification. Bighorn and Dall’s Sheep (O. dalli) probably hybridized prior to glacial maxima and during late Pleistocene in ice-free refugia. “Audubon Bighorn” (auduboni), consisting of extirpated populations from the Badlands of North and South Dakota, north-western Nebraska, eastern Wyoming, and Montana, is a synonym of the nominate subspecies canadensis. Popu...