Austroconops Wirth and Lee Austroconops Wirth and Lee, 1958: 337. Type species: Austroconops mcmillani Wirth and Lee, by original designation. DIAGNOSIS: Male. The only extant or fossil Ceratopogonidae with flagellomere 13 (fig. 1A, B) with a subbasal constriction, with two welldeveloped radial cells, and rm parallel to R 1 (fig. 1K). Female. The only extant or fossil Ceratopogonidae with two welldeveloped, clearly open, radial cells and rm parallel to R 1 (fig. 1L). Egg. Only Ceratopogonidae with egg (fig. 2A) markedly elongate and remaining pale throughout larval development. Larva (all instars). The only Ceratopogonidae with markedly elongate antenna bearing an elongate blade and a prognathous head (figs. 2H, 3C, 12A, B). Pupa. ...