1.15 Anonconotus occidentalis Carron & Wermeille, 2002 Ch: ALSW; ERL: LC; P-V; %C: 8.63; ER: 1930-2780 m; Ph: VIII-X A. occidentalis is an endemic species of the southwestern sectors of the Alpine range, with a distribution restricted to the high elevations of Cottian and northern Maritime Alps (Sindaco et al. 2012; Sardet et al. 2015). In the study area, this Tettigoniidae proved to occur mainly in the Varaita Valley, while only one observation has been collected in the Po Valley (Vallone Bulé, Oncino, 1930 m; 12/09/2020; DG). Alpine grasslands are the preferred habitat by this species, especially when small shrubs are available. According to the available data, the observation of A. occidentalis at 2780 m (Passo della Losetta, Caser...