Caecum cf. mauritianum de Folin, 1868 (Fig. 3 C-E) Caecum mauritianum de Folin, 1868: 84, pl. 9, figs 8, 9. TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype. Mauritius • dd; Mauritius; MNHN-IM-2000-24911. Paratype. Mauritius • 1 dd worn; same data as for holotype; MNHN-IM-2000-24912. TYPE LOCALITY. — Indian Ocean, Mauritius. MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Mayotte • 1 dd worn; Mozambique Channel, S Mayotte, BIOMAGLO Stn DW4820; 13°05’S, 45°06’E; 295-336 m depth; 27.I.2017; MNHN. DISTRIBUTION. — Described from Mauritius, it was reported from New Caledonia (Pizzini et al. 2013). DIAGNOSIS. — Shell of average size for the genus. Tube subcylindrical, smooth or with ill-defined very small rings. Aperture slightly inclined, preceded by a narrow varix-like swelling...