Stenichnus (Stenichnus) bifurcatus Jałoszyński 2023, sp. n.

  • Jałoszyński, Paweł
Publication date
July 2023


Stenichnus (Stenichnus) bifurcatus sp. n. (Figs 1–5) Type material studied. Holotype (TAIWAN): ♁, two labels: “TAIWAN Taichung / Hsien, Anmashan / 2225m 2.V.1990 / A. Smetana [T38]” [white, printed], “ STENICHNUS (s. str.) \ bifurcatus m. \ P. Jałoszyński, 2023 \ HOLOTYPUS ” [red, printed] (MHNG). Paratypes (2 exx.): 1 ♁, 1 ♀, “TAIWAN Nantou / Hsien, Meifeng / 2130m 12.V.1991 / A.Smetana [T78]” (paratypes with yellow “ PARATYPUS ” labels, deposited in MHNG and cPJ). Diagnosis. Body length exceeding 2.2 mm; base of pronotum with transverse row of 8–10 slightly unevenly distributed small pits interrupted at middle by distinct impunctate gap; punctures on head and pronotum inconspicuous, fine, on elytra distinct but...

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