Macrobathra afflata Li, sp. nov. (Figs 3, 20) Type material. CHINA, Yunnan: Holotype ♁, Taiyanghe, 1450 m, 18.V.2014, leg. ZG Zhang, slide No. ZD 21242. Paratypes: 1♁, Taiyanghe, 1450 m, 3.VI.2014, leg. ZG Zhang; 1♁, Taiyanghe, Pu’er City, 8.VI.2015, leg. ZG Zhang, slide No. ZD21218. Diagnosis. The new species can be distinguished in the male genitalia by the left socius inflated distally, and the left valva with distal half dilated elliptically. It is similar to M. solidilatata sp. nov., and the differences between them are stated in the diagnosis of the latter species. Description. Adult (Fig. 3). Wingspan 11.5–12.5 mm. Head with frons and vertex dark brown, frons with white longitudinal line laterally.Antenna dark brown exc...