Gattenpleura pfeifferi Weyer, 1976 Fig. 26; Table 17 Gattenpleura pfeifferi Weyer, 1976: 848, pl. 3 figs 1–7, text-figs 6–8. Gattenpleura pfeifferi – Weyer 1979: pl. 5 fig. 12. — Bartzsch & Weyer 1988: 44, text-fig. 3, photo 5. Diagnosis Species of Gattenpleura with thinly discoidal and involute conch at 30 mm dm (ww/dm ~ 0.40; uw/dm ~ 0.03). Whorl profile weakly depressed (ww/wh ~ 0.75); coiling rate low (WER ~ 1.60). Shallow lateral spiral groove, weak ribs with rursiradiate direction and convex course on the flank. Material examined Holotype GERMANY • Thuringia, Saalfeld-Obernitz, Pfaffenberg; bed 2 (“ Gattendorfia Limestone ”); Bartzsch Coll.; illustrated by Weyer (1976: pl. 3 figs 1–7); MB.C.764.1. Additional material...