Paragattendorfia sphaeroides Weyer, 1972 Figs 22–23; Tables 12–13 Paragattendorfia sphaeroides Weyer, 1972: 340. Imitoceras globosum – Vöhringer 1960: 146, text-fig. 23. Paragattendorfia sphaeroides – Korn 1994: 37, text-figs 31e, 32e–f, 33. Diagnosis Species of Paragattendorfia with a conch reaching 40 mm diameter. Conch at 20 mm dm thickly pachyconic, subinvolute (ww/dm ~0.80; uw/dm ~0.20). Whorl profile at 20 mm dm moderately depressed (ww/wh ~1.70); coiling rate very low (WER ~1.50). Venter broadly rounded, umbilical margin subangular. Growth lines fine, narrow-standing, with nearly linear course. Without constrictions on the shell surface; with linear internal shell thickenings. Suture line with narrowly V-shaped external...