Genus Hemisudra Schmidt Type species: Hemisudra borneensis Schmidt, by original designation. Diagnosis. Crown shorter than interocular width, anteriorly produced in front of eyes and obtusely angularly curved. Ocelli placed before anterior margins of eyes. Pronotum with lateral margins diverging with feeble carina present only in anterior and posterior region, disc gibbous. Mesoscutellum humped with median prominent carina, distal half flat. Forewings hyaline. Hind wing costal margin with 3 stout setae in proximal half (Fig. 13H, I). Meta femoral distal macrosetae 2+1+1; metabasitarsomere with three stout short macrosetae with prominent alveoli in an oblique row, distal transverse row with 7 platellae flanked by one stout seta on eith...