Praedatrypaea ocozocoautlaensis sp. nov. (Fig. 1A–1D) D461B591-EAB8-4FFE-91C0-5E59E73E4F4D Callianassa (s.l.) ocozocoautlaensis Hyžný, Vega & Coutiño, 2013: 259, figs. 3.1–3.3. [Unavailable] Holotype. The holotype is deposited in the Museo de Paleontología "Eliseo Palacios Aguilera", Secretaría de Medio Ambiente e Historia Natural/ Dirección de Paleontología, Calzada de los Hombres Ilustres s/n, Colonia Antiguo Parque Madero, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, 29000, Chiapas, México, under the repository number IHNFG-4664. Diagnosis. Callianassid with chelipeds of unequal size and dissimilar shape. Major cheliped manus upper margin arcuate, lower margin straight, fixed finger shorter than manus, lateral surface wi...
Hollinella (Hollinella) williamsranchensis Crasquin sp. nov. 2A663FBA-1B...
Denticupachydomella bellcanyonensis Forel sp. nov. 89B99A6B-AD6C-43DD-BA...
Caecidotea villalobosi sp. nov. (Figs 18–21) Material examined: Holotype, male (CNCR 35506), len...
Praedatrypaea Poore, Dworschak, Robles, Mantelatto & Felder, 2019 Remarks. Hyžný et al. (2...
On the basis of newly collected material, two ghost shrimp taxa from the lower Maastrichtian Ocozoco...
Phanaeus chiapanecus sp. nov. 55933BD6-8A56-49CB-B1B4-3AB7C1A235BE Figs...
Bahiacaris n. gen. 0B9F091B-F98E-49A7-B794-E250DB722...
Ghost shrimps of the family Callianassidae are very common in the fossil record, but mostly as isola...
Ceratobairdia sexagintaduella Forel sp. nov. E353B465-EF88-46B2-A3E0-5C7...
Paraphlebia chiarae Ortega-Salas sp. nov. Figs. 4 (head ♂ Bw), 16 (thorax ♂ Bw), 39 (win...
FIGURE 6. Calliaxina chalmasii (Brocchi, 1883) new combination, Dúbravská hlavica (Vienna Basin, Slo...
Hyžný, Matúš, Gašparič, Rok (2014): MATÚŠ HYŽNÝ & ROK GAŠPARIČ (2014) Ghost shrimp Calliax de Saint ...
FIGURE 6. Neocallichirus brocchii (Lőrenthey, 1897) new combination, in situ preservation of the spe...
Phonotimpus schulzefenai (Chamberlin & Ivie, 1936) Figures 263–266, 311–314 Gosiphrurus schulzef...
Healdia mckittrickensis Crasquin sp. nov. 2454FD9D-BB92-4D01-BD84-11011B...
Hollinella (Hollinella) williamsranchensis Crasquin sp. nov. 2A663FBA-1B...
Denticupachydomella bellcanyonensis Forel sp. nov. 89B99A6B-AD6C-43DD-BA...
Caecidotea villalobosi sp. nov. (Figs 18–21) Material examined: Holotype, male (CNCR 35506), len...
Praedatrypaea Poore, Dworschak, Robles, Mantelatto & Felder, 2019 Remarks. Hyžný et al. (2...
On the basis of newly collected material, two ghost shrimp taxa from the lower Maastrichtian Ocozoco...
Phanaeus chiapanecus sp. nov. 55933BD6-8A56-49CB-B1B4-3AB7C1A235BE Figs...
Bahiacaris n. gen. 0B9F091B-F98E-49A7-B794-E250DB722...
Ghost shrimps of the family Callianassidae are very common in the fossil record, but mostly as isola...
Ceratobairdia sexagintaduella Forel sp. nov. E353B465-EF88-46B2-A3E0-5C7...
Paraphlebia chiarae Ortega-Salas sp. nov. Figs. 4 (head ♂ Bw), 16 (thorax ♂ Bw), 39 (win...
FIGURE 6. Calliaxina chalmasii (Brocchi, 1883) new combination, Dúbravská hlavica (Vienna Basin, Slo...
Hyžný, Matúš, Gašparič, Rok (2014): MATÚŠ HYŽNÝ & ROK GAŠPARIČ (2014) Ghost shrimp Calliax de Saint ...
FIGURE 6. Neocallichirus brocchii (Lőrenthey, 1897) new combination, in situ preservation of the spe...
Phonotimpus schulzefenai (Chamberlin & Ivie, 1936) Figures 263–266, 311–314 Gosiphrurus schulzef...
Healdia mckittrickensis Crasquin sp. nov. 2454FD9D-BB92-4D01-BD84-11011B...
Hollinella (Hollinella) williamsranchensis Crasquin sp. nov. 2A663FBA-1B...
Denticupachydomella bellcanyonensis Forel sp. nov. 89B99A6B-AD6C-43DD-BA...
Caecidotea villalobosi sp. nov. (Figs 18–21) Material examined: Holotype, male (CNCR 35506), len...