Aphanogmus vestrii sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: F407EB39-92F2-42B4-AC1F-41EC83089723 Fig. 14 Diagnosis Body length 0.51 mm; mesoscutellum length 1.47 × mesoscutellum width. Male genitalia: harpe triangular apicoventrally in ventral, lateral and dorsal view, and gap between harpes conspicuously arrow-like; harpe/gvc index 0.47; ventromedial margins of harpes touching at distoventral margin of gvc, ventromedial margin of harpe straight and diverging distolaterally with pointed emargination in between basal and apical half; ventral margin of harpe concave, dorsal margin indistinct in basal part, straight and oriented distoventrally in apical two thirds with indentation below apical two thirds, lateral margin straight in basal quarte...