Eocanites planus (Schindewolf, 1926) Fig. 127; Table 123 Protocanites planus Schindewolf, 1926: 105. Protocanites planus planus – Vöhringer 1960: 174, pl. 6 fig. 3, text-fig. 49. Eocanites planus – Korn 1994: 82, text-figs 73f, 74b. Diagnosis Species of the genus Eocanites with a conch reaching 50 mm diameter. Conch at 30 mm dm subevolute (uw/dm ~0.42) with weakly compressed whorl profile (ww/wh ~0.75) and broadly rounded venter. Ornament with very fine, rursiradiate, concavo-convex growth lines with moderately deep ventral sinus. Without ribs. Suture line with parallel-sided external lobe and lanceolate adventive lobe. Material examined Neotype GERMANY • Rhenish Mountains, Oberrödinghausen, railway cutting; Hangenberg L...