Gymnochiromyia semihirta sp. nov. Figs 1–3 Material: BONAIRE: holotype ♁, Kralendijk, Santa Barbara, 12.192°N, 68.283°W, 21.xi.2022, leg. J. van Blerk, light trap, BON 2022-2023, Museum Leiden (RMNH), critical point dried and card pointed; postabdomen in glycerine on the same pin as the specimen. Paratype: 1♀, Tera Barra, 1–6.xi.2022, 12.2950°N, 68.3919°W, leg. J.-J. Mekkes & M. Boeken, Malaise trap, 2022-2023.2, Museum Leiden (RMNH), critical point dried and card pointed. Diagnosis: A pale yellow species with pale brownish yellow transverse bands on abdominal tergites, less distinct in the male; mesofrons entirely devoid of setulae; no presutural dorsocentral setae, a supra-alar seta present; acrostichal setulae in 10 irregul...