FIGURE 9. Elysia asbecki sp. nov.: scanning electron microscopy and differential interference contrast microscopy of radula: (A) complete radula with leading tooth to the right. Ascus (lower limb, white arrow) lost during preparation. (B) – (D) different views of leading tooth; note the denticles. (E) Radula of same specimen. Note the small teeth and preradula teeth (black arrow) in ascus.Published as part of Wägele, Heike, Stemmer, Kristina, Burghardt, Ingo & Händeler, Katharina, 2010, Two new sacoglossan sea slug species (Opisthobranchia, Gastropoda): Ercolania annelyleorum sp. nov. (Limapontioidea) and Elysia asbecki sp. nov. (Plakobranchoidea), with notes on anatomy, histology and biology, pp. 1-28 in Zootaxa 2676 on page 19, DOI: 10.52...
FIGURE 5. NeighborNet analysis of Limapontiidae based on mitochondrial CO1 sequences only without ap...
FIGURE 8. Toledonia limnaeoides. A. dorsal view of shell (SEM). B. ventral view of shell (automontag...
FIGURE 11. Phylogeny of the genus Elysia within Plakobranchidae. ML analysis was performed on concat...
FIGURE 3. Ercolania annelyleorum sp. nov.: scanning electron microscopy and differential interferenc...
FIGURE 7. Elysia asbecki sp. nov.: living animals from Lizard Island; (A) Animal collected in 2006, ...
FIGURE 8. Elysia asbecki sp. nov.: histology; (A) Cross section near head area. Many branches of dig...
FIGURE 10. Elysia asbecki sp. nov.: anatomy: Schematic drawing of digestive system and position of s...
FIGURE 9. SEM photographs of radulae of Salinator Hedley, 1900 species, showing half-radula and deta...
FIGURE 4. Ercolania annelyleorum sp. nov.: schematic outline of genital system, reconstructed from t...
Figure 9. Spurilla neapolitana: SEM images of the radula and jaws. A, radula of a specimen from Buzi...
FIGURE 1. Ercolania annelyleorum sp. nov.: living animals from Lizard Island; (A) Animal freshly iso...
FIGURE 10. SEM photographs of radulae of Amphibola Schumacher, 1817, Lactiforis gen. nov. and Naranj...
FIGURE 9: External anatomy of a dried specimen of Brookula pfefferi Powell, 1951 (ZSM Mol 20021687)....
Figure 9. Histology of anterior oesophagus; ventro-lateral folds. (A) Macleaniella moskalevi. Scale ...
Figure 9. Penes of Litthabitella: (a) L. chilodia, Trsteno, locality 5, scale bar: 500 μm; (b–e) L. ...
FIGURE 5. NeighborNet analysis of Limapontiidae based on mitochondrial CO1 sequences only without ap...
FIGURE 8. Toledonia limnaeoides. A. dorsal view of shell (SEM). B. ventral view of shell (automontag...
FIGURE 11. Phylogeny of the genus Elysia within Plakobranchidae. ML analysis was performed on concat...
FIGURE 3. Ercolania annelyleorum sp. nov.: scanning electron microscopy and differential interferenc...
FIGURE 7. Elysia asbecki sp. nov.: living animals from Lizard Island; (A) Animal collected in 2006, ...
FIGURE 8. Elysia asbecki sp. nov.: histology; (A) Cross section near head area. Many branches of dig...
FIGURE 10. Elysia asbecki sp. nov.: anatomy: Schematic drawing of digestive system and position of s...
FIGURE 9. SEM photographs of radulae of Salinator Hedley, 1900 species, showing half-radula and deta...
FIGURE 4. Ercolania annelyleorum sp. nov.: schematic outline of genital system, reconstructed from t...
Figure 9. Spurilla neapolitana: SEM images of the radula and jaws. A, radula of a specimen from Buzi...
FIGURE 1. Ercolania annelyleorum sp. nov.: living animals from Lizard Island; (A) Animal freshly iso...
FIGURE 10. SEM photographs of radulae of Amphibola Schumacher, 1817, Lactiforis gen. nov. and Naranj...
FIGURE 9: External anatomy of a dried specimen of Brookula pfefferi Powell, 1951 (ZSM Mol 20021687)....
Figure 9. Histology of anterior oesophagus; ventro-lateral folds. (A) Macleaniella moskalevi. Scale ...
Figure 9. Penes of Litthabitella: (a) L. chilodia, Trsteno, locality 5, scale bar: 500 μm; (b–e) L. ...
FIGURE 5. NeighborNet analysis of Limapontiidae based on mitochondrial CO1 sequences only without ap...
FIGURE 8. Toledonia limnaeoides. A. dorsal view of shell (SEM). B. ventral view of shell (automontag...
FIGURE 11. Phylogeny of the genus Elysia within Plakobranchidae. ML analysis was performed on concat...