This version marks the change from Nextflow DSL 1 to Nextflow DSL 2. This change will make it easier for users to customize the pipeline in their own way
Switch to Nextflow DSL2 Changed --input file format from TSV to CSV format, requires header now Add ...
The pipeline MpGAP, is a very customisable (easy to use) pipeline that uses state-of-the-art softwar...
<p>The strategy for NGS library preparation (A) and informatics used (B) are depicted.</p
This version marks the change from Nextflow DSL 1 to Nextflow DSL 2. This change will make it easie...
This pipeline was developed to encapsulate different software in order to create a custom and easy w...
The pipeline ngs-preprocess is built using Nextflow, a workflow tool to run tasks across multiple co...
The pipeline ngs-preprocess is built using Nextflow, a workflow tool to run tasks across multiple c...
Workflow of newly established AFLP/NGS procedure for AFLP markers identification.</p
Description R package for building end-to-end analysis pipelines with automated report genera-tion f...
version-0.1.0 26/03/2021 Adaptation of the geniac-demo pipeline with nextflow DSL
This Provisional PDF corresponds to the article as it appeared upon acceptance. Fully formatted PDF ...
<p>Whole experimental pipeline of newly introduced approach combining MSAP and NGS techniques</p
Workflow for processing NGS data from metabarcoding experiments"If you use this pipeline, please cit...
v2.0 - Palladium Platypus - [2021-07-13] :warning: Major enhancements & breaking changes This marks ...
Initiative for standardization of the format of the next-generation sequencing (NGS) result
Switch to Nextflow DSL2 Changed --input file format from TSV to CSV format, requires header now Add ...
The pipeline MpGAP, is a very customisable (easy to use) pipeline that uses state-of-the-art softwar...
<p>The strategy for NGS library preparation (A) and informatics used (B) are depicted.</p
This version marks the change from Nextflow DSL 1 to Nextflow DSL 2. This change will make it easie...
This pipeline was developed to encapsulate different software in order to create a custom and easy w...
The pipeline ngs-preprocess is built using Nextflow, a workflow tool to run tasks across multiple co...
The pipeline ngs-preprocess is built using Nextflow, a workflow tool to run tasks across multiple c...
Workflow of newly established AFLP/NGS procedure for AFLP markers identification.</p
Description R package for building end-to-end analysis pipelines with automated report genera-tion f...
version-0.1.0 26/03/2021 Adaptation of the geniac-demo pipeline with nextflow DSL
This Provisional PDF corresponds to the article as it appeared upon acceptance. Fully formatted PDF ...
<p>Whole experimental pipeline of newly introduced approach combining MSAP and NGS techniques</p
Workflow for processing NGS data from metabarcoding experiments"If you use this pipeline, please cit...
v2.0 - Palladium Platypus - [2021-07-13] :warning: Major enhancements & breaking changes This marks ...
Initiative for standardization of the format of the next-generation sequencing (NGS) result
Switch to Nextflow DSL2 Changed --input file format from TSV to CSV format, requires header now Add ...
The pipeline MpGAP, is a very customisable (easy to use) pipeline that uses state-of-the-art softwar...
<p>The strategy for NGS library preparation (A) and informatics used (B) are depicted.</p