29. Rusty-spotted Cat Prionailurus rubiginosus French: Chat rougeatre / German: Rostkatze / Spanish: Gato indio Taxonomy. Felis rubiginosus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1831, Pondicherry, India. Three subspecies recognized. Subspecies and Distribution. P.r. rubiginosus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1831 — India. P. r. koladivinus Deraniyagala, 1956 — dry zone of Sri Lanka. P. r. phillipsi Pocock, 1939 — wet zone of SW Sri Lanka. Descriptive notes. Head and body 35-48 cm, tail 15-29. 8 cm. Adult males heavier (1.5-1. 6 kg) than adult females (1-1 kg). One of the smallest felids. The short, smooth fur is gray with a reddish tinge, patterned with lines of small, rusty-colored spots, which may form stripes along the top of the head, bac...
12. African Golden Cat Profelis aurata French: Chat doré / German: Afrikanische Goldkatze / Sp...
20. Geoftroy’s Cat Leopardus geoffroyi French: Chat de Geoffroy / German: Kleinfleckkatze / Sp...
36. Chinese Mountain Cat Felis bieti French: Chat de Mongolie / German: Graukatze / Spanish: G...
31. Fishing Cat Prionailurus viverrinus French: Chat viverrin / German: Fischkatze / Spanish: ...
Subspecies and Distribution. P.r. rubiginosus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1831 — India. P. r. koladivinu...
8. Marbled Cat Pardofelis marmorata French: Chat marbré / German: Marmorkatze / Spanish: Gato ...
<p>The genus <em>Prionailurus</em> consists of forest dwelling spotted cats ranging across most of I...
Rusty-spotted cat Prionailurus rubiginosus is the smallest wild cat, believed to be distributed only...
33. Jungle Cat Felis chaus French: Chat des marais / German: Rohrkatze / Spanish: Gato marisme...
30. Flat-headed Cat Prionailurus planiceps French: Chat a téte plate / German: Flachkopfkatze ...
Rusty-spotted cat is captured in Khusumdihi Reserve Forest, Tamra Range from Bonai Forest Division u...
18. Oncilla Leopardus tigrinus French: Oncille / German: Ozelotkatze / Spanish: Tigrillo Ot...
10. Asian Golden Cat Catopuma temminckii French: Chat de Temminck / German: Asiatische Goldkat...
28. Pallas’s Cat Otocolobus manul French: Manul / German: Manul / Spanish: Manul Other comm...
32. Leopard Cat Prionailurus bengalensis French: Chat du Bengale / German: Bengalkatze / Spani...
12. African Golden Cat Profelis aurata French: Chat doré / German: Afrikanische Goldkatze / Sp...
20. Geoftroy’s Cat Leopardus geoffroyi French: Chat de Geoffroy / German: Kleinfleckkatze / Sp...
36. Chinese Mountain Cat Felis bieti French: Chat de Mongolie / German: Graukatze / Spanish: G...
31. Fishing Cat Prionailurus viverrinus French: Chat viverrin / German: Fischkatze / Spanish: ...
Subspecies and Distribution. P.r. rubiginosus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1831 — India. P. r. koladivinu...
8. Marbled Cat Pardofelis marmorata French: Chat marbré / German: Marmorkatze / Spanish: Gato ...
<p>The genus <em>Prionailurus</em> consists of forest dwelling spotted cats ranging across most of I...
Rusty-spotted cat Prionailurus rubiginosus is the smallest wild cat, believed to be distributed only...
33. Jungle Cat Felis chaus French: Chat des marais / German: Rohrkatze / Spanish: Gato marisme...
30. Flat-headed Cat Prionailurus planiceps French: Chat a téte plate / German: Flachkopfkatze ...
Rusty-spotted cat is captured in Khusumdihi Reserve Forest, Tamra Range from Bonai Forest Division u...
18. Oncilla Leopardus tigrinus French: Oncille / German: Ozelotkatze / Spanish: Tigrillo Ot...
10. Asian Golden Cat Catopuma temminckii French: Chat de Temminck / German: Asiatische Goldkat...
28. Pallas’s Cat Otocolobus manul French: Manul / German: Manul / Spanish: Manul Other comm...
32. Leopard Cat Prionailurus bengalensis French: Chat du Bengale / German: Bengalkatze / Spani...
12. African Golden Cat Profelis aurata French: Chat doré / German: Afrikanische Goldkatze / Sp...
20. Geoftroy’s Cat Leopardus geoffroyi French: Chat de Geoffroy / German: Kleinfleckkatze / Sp...
36. Chinese Mountain Cat Felis bieti French: Chat de Mongolie / German: Graukatze / Spanish: G...