Fig. 2 in Genome-wide identification and characterization of genes involved in melatonin biosynthesis in Morus notabilis (wild mulberry)

  • Zheng, Sha
  • Zhu, Yingxue
  • Liu, Changying
  • Fan, Wei
  • Xiang, Zhonghuai
  • Zhao, Aichun
Publication date
September 2021


Fig. 2. Expression analysis of genes involved in melatonin biosynthesis. A: Heat map showing tissue-specific expression profiles of melatonin biosynthetic genes in M. notabilis, including MnTDC, MnT5Hs, MnSNATs, MnASMT genes and MnCOMTs. Sample names are shown above the heat maps. The color scale indicates the degree of expression: "green" indicates low expression; "red" indicates high expression. B: Tissue-specific expression levels of MnTDC, MnT5H2, MnSNAT5, MnASMT12 and MnCOMT1 as determined by qRT-PCR. Data was analyzed using 2 ΔCt method and MnACTIN3 was used as an internal control. Data are means ±SDs (n = 3), significant differences (P <0.05) are indicated by different letters above the bars. (For interpretation of the references to ...

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