Caligus lethrinicola n. sp. Type material: Holotype female, partly dissected in alcohol, reg. No. MNHN-Cp 2969. Type locality: Récif au large de Nouméa, New Caledonia, 22 ° 34.529 ’S 166 ° 32.974 ’E. Collected on 27 November 2003 by J.-L. Justine (JNC 988 C). Host: on gills of Lethrinus rubrioperculatus Sato, 1978 Etymology: the species name is based on the generic name of its host, Lethrinus and – icola, meaning inhabitant. Female body (Fig. 1 A) dorsoventrally flattened, caligiform; body length 2.75 mm; maximum width of cephalothoracic shield 1.10 mm. Cephalothorax incorporating first to third pedigerous somites; dorsal cephalothoracic shield provided with conspicuous marginal membrane laterally and with well defined striate...