Agromyza rudbeckiana spec. nov. Description. Wing length 2.8–2.9mm (♂), 2.9–3.4mm (♀). Length of ultimate section of vein CuA1 divided by penultimate section: 0.6–0.7. Eye height divided by gena height: 6.8–9.0. Apex of first flagellomere with slightly longer hairs that are broadly distributed apically to more discretely arranged in large ovate patch; segment slightly longer than high. Orbital plate less than 1/5 width of frons, inner margin ill-defined, slightly better sclerotized than frontal vitta. Ocellar triangle not much larger than tubercle, subtriangular with corners rounded; anterior ocellus slightly displaced anteriorly. Parafacial and cheek narrow. Buccal cavity essentially straight, with slight curve; ventromedial...