FIGURE 5. Upper teeth of Agriarctos and Ailurarctos. A1, cf. Ag. depereti from Soblay, from top to bottom P4, M1, and M2, from Viret (1949); A2, cf. Ag. depereti from Soblay, from top to bottom P4, M1, and M2, cast from University of Vienna, MC AA 52bis; B, cf. Ag. depereti from Dorn-Dürkheim 1, from top to bottom P4 uncatalogued cast of MHNL AA52bis (reversed), M1 (reversed), and M2, uncatalogued casts of MHNL AA50-51 (reversed), all in the collection of the University of Vienna, modified from Roth and Morlo (1997); C, Ai. yuanmouensis, from top to bottom P4, M1, and M2 (YICRA YV2509.1, reversed); D1, Ai. lufengensis, from top to bottom P4 (IVPP V6892.12), M1 (IVPP V6892.2, reversed), and M2 (IVPP V6892.6, reversed); D2, Ai. lufengensis, f...
FIG. 18. Dental and mandible plots of Huracan and related taxa, with emphasis on dental length and i...
FIG. 1. Map of localities with specimens assignable to species of Huracan. Huracan coffeyi, Hh3, sta...
FIG. 8. Cranium of Huracan coffeyi, AMNH F:AM 49372, in A. dorsal; B. ventral; and C. lateral views....
FIGURE 6. Lower teeth of Agriarctos and Ailurarctos. A, cf. Agriarctos sp. from Gau-Weinheim, m1 and...
FIGURE 3. Upper dentition (PA) of?Agriarctos nikolovi in comparison with other representatives of Ai...
FIGURE 2. Teeth of?Ag. nikolovi: A, NMNHS FM3546-b, upper canine in labial and lingual views; B, NMN...
FIGURE 4. Dental ratio of P4 of Ailuropodini. Abbreviations: L, length; W, width, in mm.Published as...
FIGURE 7. Proposed dispersal route of Ailuropodini. The red area indicates the possible distribution...
FIGURE 8. Reconstruction of?A. nikolovi sp. nov. from Bulgaria. Artwork by Velizar Simeonovski, Chic...
FIG. 6. Upper P4–M2 of Huracan and related taxa. A. Huracan qiui, HMV 2005, Wangjiashan. B. Huracan ...
FIG. 7. Lower p4–m2 or m3 of Huracan and related taxa. A. Huracan schneideri: A1. IGM 6413 (cast), R...
FIGURE 1. Location of Ognyanovo in Bulgaria.Published as part of Jiangzuo, Qigao & Spassov, Nikolai,...
FIG. 11. Comparison of incisors among Huracan, Indarctos, and Agriotherium. A. Huracan coffeyi: A1. ...
FIG. 10. Mandibles of Huracan coffeyi (lateral and dorsal views). A1, 2. AMNH F:AM 76010; B1, 2. AMN...
Jiangzuo, Qigao, Spassov, Nikolai (2022): A late Turolian giant panda from Bulgaria and the early ev...
FIG. 18. Dental and mandible plots of Huracan and related taxa, with emphasis on dental length and i...
FIG. 1. Map of localities with specimens assignable to species of Huracan. Huracan coffeyi, Hh3, sta...
FIG. 8. Cranium of Huracan coffeyi, AMNH F:AM 49372, in A. dorsal; B. ventral; and C. lateral views....
FIGURE 6. Lower teeth of Agriarctos and Ailurarctos. A, cf. Agriarctos sp. from Gau-Weinheim, m1 and...
FIGURE 3. Upper dentition (PA) of?Agriarctos nikolovi in comparison with other representatives of Ai...
FIGURE 2. Teeth of?Ag. nikolovi: A, NMNHS FM3546-b, upper canine in labial and lingual views; B, NMN...
FIGURE 4. Dental ratio of P4 of Ailuropodini. Abbreviations: L, length; W, width, in mm.Published as...
FIGURE 7. Proposed dispersal route of Ailuropodini. The red area indicates the possible distribution...
FIGURE 8. Reconstruction of?A. nikolovi sp. nov. from Bulgaria. Artwork by Velizar Simeonovski, Chic...
FIG. 6. Upper P4–M2 of Huracan and related taxa. A. Huracan qiui, HMV 2005, Wangjiashan. B. Huracan ...
FIG. 7. Lower p4–m2 or m3 of Huracan and related taxa. A. Huracan schneideri: A1. IGM 6413 (cast), R...
FIGURE 1. Location of Ognyanovo in Bulgaria.Published as part of Jiangzuo, Qigao & Spassov, Nikolai,...
FIG. 11. Comparison of incisors among Huracan, Indarctos, and Agriotherium. A. Huracan coffeyi: A1. ...
FIG. 10. Mandibles of Huracan coffeyi (lateral and dorsal views). A1, 2. AMNH F:AM 76010; B1, 2. AMN...
Jiangzuo, Qigao, Spassov, Nikolai (2022): A late Turolian giant panda from Bulgaria and the early ev...
FIG. 18. Dental and mandible plots of Huracan and related taxa, with emphasis on dental length and i...
FIG. 1. Map of localities with specimens assignable to species of Huracan. Huracan coffeyi, Hh3, sta...
FIG. 8. Cranium of Huracan coffeyi, AMNH F:AM 49372, in A. dorsal; B. ventral; and C. lateral views....