Fig. 3. Subfamily Cystophorinae: left mandible of Cystophora cristata: A— °, NMNH 269130, reversed; B — ♀, NMNH 188956, in labial views.Published as part of Koretsky, I.A., Rahmat, S.J. & Peters, N., 2014, Remarks On Correlations And Implications Of The Mandibular Structure And Diet In Some Seals (Mammalia, Phocidae), pp. 255-268 in Vestnik Zoologii 48 (3) on page 260, DOI: 10.2478/vzoo-2014-0029,
FIG. 2. — Cranium of Cynodictis peignei n. sp. (snout – MNHN.F.Qu9007; neurocranium – MNHN.F.Qu9008)...
FIGURE 3. Morphology of mouthparts of Plega dactylota. (a, b) Mandibles, dorsal view. (c, d) Maxilla...
Fig. 4. LM micrographs showing posterior end of Corynosoma magdaleni from a grey seal, Halichoerus g...
Fig. 3. Mandibles representing different subfamilies of Phocidae (true seals). A — left mandible in ...
Koretsky, I.A., Rahmat, S.J., Peters, N. (2014): Remarks On Correlations And Implications Of The Man...
Fig. 2. Mandibles of D. claytoni: A — labial; B — lingual; C — occlusal views. D. emryi: D — labial;...
Fig. 1. Devinophoca claytoni A — incomplete skull with right M1and left P2-M1 (Z14532, holotype) and...
Rahmat, S. J., Koretsky, I. A. (2018): Mandibular Morphology Of The Mid-Miocene Seal Devinophoca Cla...
Fig. 3. Mandibular gnathal edge in Pleurostigmophora and Symphyla. All right mandibles except H. A–D...
Despite a long history of phocid studies, no fossil members of the Subfamily Cystophorinae have ever...
The 13th Symposium on Polar Science/Ordinary sessions [OB] Polar biology, Wed. 16 Nov
Fig. 53. A–D, Lateral views of mandibles from individuals of different ages of Rhombomylus (IVPP V75...
Fig. 52. Lateral and medial views of the mandible of Rhombomylus (IVPP V5288).Published as part of M...
FIG. 3. — Mandible and lower dentition of Megadolodus molariformis McKenna, 1956: A, VPPLT 974 in me...
FIG. 2. — Upper dentition of Megadolodus molariformis McKenna, 1956 (VPPLT 1588): A, left P1 in labi...
FIG. 2. — Cranium of Cynodictis peignei n. sp. (snout – MNHN.F.Qu9007; neurocranium – MNHN.F.Qu9008)...
FIGURE 3. Morphology of mouthparts of Plega dactylota. (a, b) Mandibles, dorsal view. (c, d) Maxilla...
Fig. 4. LM micrographs showing posterior end of Corynosoma magdaleni from a grey seal, Halichoerus g...
Fig. 3. Mandibles representing different subfamilies of Phocidae (true seals). A — left mandible in ...
Koretsky, I.A., Rahmat, S.J., Peters, N. (2014): Remarks On Correlations And Implications Of The Man...
Fig. 2. Mandibles of D. claytoni: A — labial; B — lingual; C — occlusal views. D. emryi: D — labial;...
Fig. 1. Devinophoca claytoni A — incomplete skull with right M1and left P2-M1 (Z14532, holotype) and...
Rahmat, S. J., Koretsky, I. A. (2018): Mandibular Morphology Of The Mid-Miocene Seal Devinophoca Cla...
Fig. 3. Mandibular gnathal edge in Pleurostigmophora and Symphyla. All right mandibles except H. A–D...
Despite a long history of phocid studies, no fossil members of the Subfamily Cystophorinae have ever...
The 13th Symposium on Polar Science/Ordinary sessions [OB] Polar biology, Wed. 16 Nov
Fig. 53. A–D, Lateral views of mandibles from individuals of different ages of Rhombomylus (IVPP V75...
Fig. 52. Lateral and medial views of the mandible of Rhombomylus (IVPP V5288).Published as part of M...
FIG. 3. — Mandible and lower dentition of Megadolodus molariformis McKenna, 1956: A, VPPLT 974 in me...
FIG. 2. — Upper dentition of Megadolodus molariformis McKenna, 1956 (VPPLT 1588): A, left P1 in labi...
FIG. 2. — Cranium of Cynodictis peignei n. sp. (snout – MNHN.F.Qu9007; neurocranium – MNHN.F.Qu9008)...
FIGURE 3. Morphology of mouthparts of Plega dactylota. (a, b) Mandibles, dorsal view. (c, d) Maxilla...
Fig. 4. LM micrographs showing posterior end of Corynosoma magdaleni from a grey seal, Halichoerus g...