Files and information needed to run the "Evaluation of an emergent feature of sub-shelf melt oscillations from an idealised coupled ice-sheet/ocean model using FISOC(v1.1)-ROMSIceShelf(v1.0)-Elmer/Ice(v9.0)" GMD idealised simulations. Input files are placed in subdirectories named by CTRL
Release for Journal of Open Source Software, [SubZero: a Discrete element sea ice model that simulat...
Changes in ocean-driven basal melting have a key influence on the stability of ice shelves, the mass...
This repository contains the model and scripts to reproduce the results presented in "Glacier surges...
Source code and input files list used to perform the ocean/sea ice numerical simulation CREG12.L75-R...
This upload contains the source code (
This upload contains the parameter files and model code for the manuscript "Simulating ice segregati...
First release of Elmer/Ice simulation files for the publication "Kinematic response of ice-rise divi...
CryoGridLite is a lightweight version of the more complex and process-rich CryoGrid Community model ...
A number of important questions concern processes at the margins of ice sheets where multiple compon...
(Contents) Here it contains jim_run3 = CTRL (Similar to Jordan et al., 2018 but with smaller ocean)...
This is the simulation output and exemplary files to initiate the simulation used in the manuscript ...
A number of important questions concern processes at the margins of ice sheets where multiple compon...
These files are related to the publication: "Beijing Climate Center Earth System Model version 1 (BC...
In this repository, we include the source codes used in the GSL publication "Quantifying the sensiti...
This directory contains the source code and input files required to recreate the simulations reporte...
Release for Journal of Open Source Software, [SubZero: a Discrete element sea ice model that simulat...
Changes in ocean-driven basal melting have a key influence on the stability of ice shelves, the mass...
This repository contains the model and scripts to reproduce the results presented in "Glacier surges...
Source code and input files list used to perform the ocean/sea ice numerical simulation CREG12.L75-R...
This upload contains the source code (
This upload contains the parameter files and model code for the manuscript "Simulating ice segregati...
First release of Elmer/Ice simulation files for the publication "Kinematic response of ice-rise divi...
CryoGridLite is a lightweight version of the more complex and process-rich CryoGrid Community model ...
A number of important questions concern processes at the margins of ice sheets where multiple compon...
(Contents) Here it contains jim_run3 = CTRL (Similar to Jordan et al., 2018 but with smaller ocean)...
This is the simulation output and exemplary files to initiate the simulation used in the manuscript ...
A number of important questions concern processes at the margins of ice sheets where multiple compon...
These files are related to the publication: "Beijing Climate Center Earth System Model version 1 (BC...
In this repository, we include the source codes used in the GSL publication "Quantifying the sensiti...
This directory contains the source code and input files required to recreate the simulations reporte...
Release for Journal of Open Source Software, [SubZero: a Discrete element sea ice model that simulat...
Changes in ocean-driven basal melting have a key influence on the stability of ice shelves, the mass...
This repository contains the model and scripts to reproduce the results presented in "Glacier surges...