Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino Acid Transporter Interaction Year publication: 2018 DOI publication: XXXXX Description: Simulation POPC membrane containing ~8% ceramide (CER160) using charmm36 at 310K. MD engine: Gromacs 2016.2-dev-20170105-4feb0be Force field: charmm36 Temperature: 310 K Pressure: 1 bar Simulation time: 3496 ns Saving frequency: 100 ps Molecular content: POPC 512 CER160 50 SOL 28100 NA 75 CL 7
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...
Title publication: A Ceramide-Regulated Element in the Late Endosomal Protein LAPTM4B Controls Amino...