FIGURE 39. Reproductive systems. A in A morphological phylogenetic analysis and generic revision of Australian Helicarionidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Stylommatophora), and an assessment of the relationships of the family 2462

  • Hyman, Isabel T.
  • Ponder, Winston F.
Publication date
May 2010


FIGURE 39. Reproductive systems. A. Everettia sp., BMNH 20020188. B. Lamarckiella lamarckiana sibuyanensis, FMNH 201967. C. Coneuplecta pampini, AM C438751. D. Coneuplecta calculosa, AM C377891. E. Coneuplecta dahli, MNHN no registration number. F. Hiona pilsbryi, BPBM 206801. G. Liardetia doliolum, BPBM 253684. Scale bars 1 mm (C–E, G), 2 mm (F), 5 mm (A–B). Abbreviations: alb, albumen gland; bc, bursa copulatrix; ca, carrefour; e, eggs / embryos; ep, epiphallus; fov, free oviduct; her, hermaphrodite duct; m, muscle attaching penial sheath to epiphallus; ov, ovotestis; p, penis; pd, penial diverticulum; pr, prostate; prm, penis retractor muscle; pt, penial sheath; pv, penial verge; st, stimulator; ut, uterus; v, vagina; vd, vas deferens.Pu...

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