Fig. 4. Multiple sequence alignment of VcSABATHs with selected known SABATHs. Conserved residues are in shade with the more conserved the darker. Residues indicated with "&" are S-adenosyl-L-methionine-binding residues. Residues indicated with "*" are residues that interact with the carboxyl moiety of substrate. CbSAMT, Clarkia breweri salicylic acid methyltransferase (accession No. AAF00108.1); NcDEMT, Nymphaea colorata decanoic acid methyltransferase (accession No. NC11G0120830).Published as part of Jiang, Yifan, Liu, Guanhua, Zhang, Wanbo, Zhang, Chi, Chen, Xinlu, Chen, Yuchu, Yu, Cuiwei, Yu, Dongbei, Fu, Jianyu & Chen, Feng, 2021, Biosynthesis and emission of methyl hexanoate, the major constituent of floral scent of a night-blooming wa...
Abstract Background Cymbidium faberi, one of the most famous oriental orchids, has a distinct flower...
Fig. 1. (a) Alignment of the amino acid sequences of LoTPS2 and LoTPS4, with AdAFS1 from Actinidia d...
Fig. 5. Phylogenetic tree of N-methyltransferase amino acid sequences. Substrates of the enzymes are...
Fig. 7. The phylogenetic analysis of VcSABATHs with the SABATH genes identified from N. corolata, no...
Fig. 5. GC chromatogram of product of methyltransferase enzyme assays for VcSABATH1-3. The assay con...
Jiang, Yifan, Liu, Guanhua, Zhang, Wanbo, Zhang, Chi, Chen, Xinlu, Chen, Yuchu, Yu, Cuiwei, Yu, Dong...
Fig. 1. The identification of volatiles emitted from the flowers of V. cruziana. A, the chromatogram...
Fig. 6. Gene expression pattern of VcSABATH1 (A) and VcSABATH3 (B) in four different parts of V. cru...
Fig. 2. Emission of floral volatiles from different of parts of V. cruziana flowers. Intact fully op...
Fig. 3. Emission dynamic of floral volatiles from V. cruziana flowers during two consecutive days of...
Plants employ scent compounds for a variety of functions such as attracting pollinators to their flo...
Background Silene latifolia and its pollinator, the noctuid moth Hadena bicruris, represent an op...
Fig. 4. Amino acid sequences alignment between TCS1 and candidate N-methyltransferase genes (GCS1, G...
Using a functional genomic approach we have isolated and characterized a cDNA that encodes a salicyl...
This dissertation describes the biochemistry and molecular characterization of the (iso)eugenol O-me...
Abstract Background Cymbidium faberi, one of the most famous oriental orchids, has a distinct flower...
Fig. 1. (a) Alignment of the amino acid sequences of LoTPS2 and LoTPS4, with AdAFS1 from Actinidia d...
Fig. 5. Phylogenetic tree of N-methyltransferase amino acid sequences. Substrates of the enzymes are...
Fig. 7. The phylogenetic analysis of VcSABATHs with the SABATH genes identified from N. corolata, no...
Fig. 5. GC chromatogram of product of methyltransferase enzyme assays for VcSABATH1-3. The assay con...
Jiang, Yifan, Liu, Guanhua, Zhang, Wanbo, Zhang, Chi, Chen, Xinlu, Chen, Yuchu, Yu, Cuiwei, Yu, Dong...
Fig. 1. The identification of volatiles emitted from the flowers of V. cruziana. A, the chromatogram...
Fig. 6. Gene expression pattern of VcSABATH1 (A) and VcSABATH3 (B) in four different parts of V. cru...
Fig. 2. Emission of floral volatiles from different of parts of V. cruziana flowers. Intact fully op...
Fig. 3. Emission dynamic of floral volatiles from V. cruziana flowers during two consecutive days of...
Plants employ scent compounds for a variety of functions such as attracting pollinators to their flo...
Background Silene latifolia and its pollinator, the noctuid moth Hadena bicruris, represent an op...
Fig. 4. Amino acid sequences alignment between TCS1 and candidate N-methyltransferase genes (GCS1, G...
Using a functional genomic approach we have isolated and characterized a cDNA that encodes a salicyl...
This dissertation describes the biochemistry and molecular characterization of the (iso)eugenol O-me...
Abstract Background Cymbidium faberi, one of the most famous oriental orchids, has a distinct flower...
Fig. 1. (a) Alignment of the amino acid sequences of LoTPS2 and LoTPS4, with AdAFS1 from Actinidia d...
Fig. 5. Phylogenetic tree of N-methyltransferase amino acid sequences. Substrates of the enzymes are...