Eucopia sculpticauda Faxon, 1893 Junior synonyms. Eucopia equatoria Spence-Bate, 1885 (nomen nudum): see G.O. Sars 1885, 54–55. Eucopia intermedia Hansen, 1905. Records from Indonesia. Papua, western part of Sumatra Island, between West Sumatra and Siberut Island, southern part of Sumatra water and northern Keeling Island water, eastern part of Jamdena Island (Arafura Sea), Banda Sea, Maluku Sea, Celebes Sea, south of Java Island and Aceh water (Illig 1930; Fage 1942; Taniguchi 1974; Casanova 1996; Wittmann 2020a). Depth range: 1244–7120 m. Remarks. Eucopia sculpticauda is recognized by the telson having 1–2 lateral constrictions near the apex, and by the dorsal surface of the telson ornamented with a series of honeycomb ridges ...