58. Polyrhachis rugosus. B.M. Worker. Length 5 1/2 lines.-Black: the abdomen densely clothed with pale golden silky pubescence. Head elongate and coarsely rugose; eyes very prominent, placed backwards on the sides of the head; the head much narrowed behind the eyes, before the eyes it is slightly widened to the angles of the anterior margin, which is rounded; the mandibles large and triangular, finely denticulate on their inner margin; antennae elongate and slender, the scape with a number of erect, long hairs. Thorax elongate, slender, and coarsely rugose; the prothorax narrowed anteriorly into a kind of neck, the mesothorax narrower than the pro- or metathorax, the latter elevated and furnished with two long, stout spines; legs elongate ...