Caecum magellanicum (di Geronimo, Privitera & Valdovinos, 1995) Figures 96 A–E, 97A–F, 98A–B, 126F Fartulum magellanicum di Geronimo et al. 1995: 114, figs. 1–5, holotype IPOP M1.8.8.95, Cabo Deseado, Strait of Magellan, Chile. Fartulum magellanicum — Linse 2002: 85, pl. VII, figs. 54–56; Mattano & Zelaya 2013: 170. Material examined. In addition to the type material the following lots were examined. NHMLAC: LACM 1973 - 75.4, Westhoff Island, Los Lagos Prov., Chile, 23 m, 8 sh; LACM 1973 - 74.5, Darwin Channel, Aysen, Prov., Chile, 8 m, 5 sh. FS: Stanley, near Yorke Point, East Falkland, Falkland Islands, 9 m. Original diagnosis. “Teleoconch cylindrical, moderately curved, vitreous or lightly opaque in less fresh shells. Under ...
Aplidiopsis chilensis n. sp. (Figures 2 B,C, 6 A,B) Material examined: Chile, 4. region: Punta d...
Leucothoe kawesqari Esquete & Aldea, 2015 Figs 23, 30c Leucothoe kawesqari Esquete & Aldea, 2015...
Callochiton neocaledonicus Kaas & Van Belle, 1990 (Figures 1 E, 2 A–F, 3 A–F) Callochiton neocal...
Caecum skoglundae Pizzini, Raines & Nofroni, 2007 Figures 99 A–F, 100A–G, 101A–B, 126L Caecum sk...
Caecum paradoxum de Folin, 1867 Figures 63 A–F, 64A–F, 65A–B, 126N Caecum paradoxum de Folin, 18...
Leptochiton laurae Schwabe & Sellanes, 2010 (Figs 1 E, F, 9–11) Type material. Holotype (ZSM Mol...
Notopropebela profunda (Castellanos and Landoni, 1993) comb. nov. (Figure 1 (a–k), Table 2) Prop...
Doto uva Er. Marcus, 1955 (Figures 6C, 6D, 7C, 7D) Material examined. Argentina, San Matías gulf...
Caecum draperi species novum Figures 111 A–G, 112A–J, 113A–B, 126B Brochina carpenteri — Lightfo...
Caulleriella magnaoculata Hartmann-Schröder, 1962 Figure 26 Caulleriella magnaoculata Hartmann-S...
Caecum adamsi nomen novum Figures 105 A–G, 106A–F, 107A–B, 126A Elephantanellum carpenteri Barts...
FIGURE 8. "Cirsotrema" magellanicum (Philippi, 1845), shell and operculum. A. Syntype of Scalaria ma...
Conus (Splinoconus) dayriti R̂ckel & da Motta, 1983 Figs 75A–G, M, 76 Conus dayriti Röckel & da ...
Torometopa cf. crassicornis (Schellenberg, 1931) Figs 27–29 Metopoides crassicornis Schellenberg...
Falsimargarita glaucophaos (Barnard, 1963) *—new combination (Figure 6 A–D) Calliostoma glaucoph...
Aplidiopsis chilensis n. sp. (Figures 2 B,C, 6 A,B) Material examined: Chile, 4. region: Punta d...
Leucothoe kawesqari Esquete & Aldea, 2015 Figs 23, 30c Leucothoe kawesqari Esquete & Aldea, 2015...
Callochiton neocaledonicus Kaas & Van Belle, 1990 (Figures 1 E, 2 A–F, 3 A–F) Callochiton neocal...
Caecum skoglundae Pizzini, Raines & Nofroni, 2007 Figures 99 A–F, 100A–G, 101A–B, 126L Caecum sk...
Caecum paradoxum de Folin, 1867 Figures 63 A–F, 64A–F, 65A–B, 126N Caecum paradoxum de Folin, 18...
Leptochiton laurae Schwabe & Sellanes, 2010 (Figs 1 E, F, 9–11) Type material. Holotype (ZSM Mol...
Notopropebela profunda (Castellanos and Landoni, 1993) comb. nov. (Figure 1 (a–k), Table 2) Prop...
Doto uva Er. Marcus, 1955 (Figures 6C, 6D, 7C, 7D) Material examined. Argentina, San Matías gulf...
Caecum draperi species novum Figures 111 A–G, 112A–J, 113A–B, 126B Brochina carpenteri — Lightfo...
Caulleriella magnaoculata Hartmann-Schröder, 1962 Figure 26 Caulleriella magnaoculata Hartmann-S...
Caecum adamsi nomen novum Figures 105 A–G, 106A–F, 107A–B, 126A Elephantanellum carpenteri Barts...
FIGURE 8. "Cirsotrema" magellanicum (Philippi, 1845), shell and operculum. A. Syntype of Scalaria ma...
Conus (Splinoconus) dayriti R̂ckel & da Motta, 1983 Figs 75A–G, M, 76 Conus dayriti Röckel & da ...
Torometopa cf. crassicornis (Schellenberg, 1931) Figs 27–29 Metopoides crassicornis Schellenberg...
Falsimargarita glaucophaos (Barnard, 1963) *—new combination (Figure 6 A–D) Calliostoma glaucoph...
Aplidiopsis chilensis n. sp. (Figures 2 B,C, 6 A,B) Material examined: Chile, 4. region: Punta d...
Leucothoe kawesqari Esquete & Aldea, 2015 Figs 23, 30c Leucothoe kawesqari Esquete & Aldea, 2015...
Callochiton neocaledonicus Kaas & Van Belle, 1990 (Figures 1 E, 2 A–F, 3 A–F) Callochiton neocal...