FIGURE 1. Rhynchotalona latens (Sarmaja-Korjonen, Hakojärvi & Korhola, 2000) comb. nov. Adult parthenogenetic female, ephippium and habitat. A, intact parthenogenetic female (holotype) from Lake Kalatoin, Nuuksio district, southern Finland, sampled by activity traps in mid July 2006, photo reproduced after Nevalainen (2008). B, remains of an adult parthenogenetic female from Lake Kalatoin, southern Finland, sampled by sweep net in early May 2005. C, degraded adult parthenogenetic female specimen from Lake Iso-Majaslampi, southern Finland, sampled by sweep net in late May 2005. D, cast ephippium and dormant embryo with postabdomen still attached from Lake Iso-Majaslampi, Nuuksio district, southern Finland, sampled by sweep net in early Augus...
FIGURE 1. Ceriodaphnia dubia s.l., from an oxbow of the Don River near Stogovskoy village, Rostov Ar...
Figure 3. Extremalona timmsi sp. nov. from the type location, paratypes from the personal collection...
FIGURE 4. Ovalona nuragica from small temporary pond near Laguna de Bonache, near Siles town, Jaén, ...
A long hidden chydorid (Chydoridae, Cladocera) taxon, first found as fossil specimens and recently r...
FIGURE 2. Rhynchotalona latens (Sarmaja-Korjonen, Hakojärvi et Korhola, 2000) from coastal Sphagnum ...
FIGURE 4. Anthalona vandammei sp. nov. from Lake Kud-Thing, Bueng Kan Province, Thailand (type local...
FIGURE 1. Alona begoniae sp. nov. from St Naum Bay, Lake Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia (type lo...
FIGURE 1. Alona werestschagini Sinev, 1999 from Russia, Tuva Republic, groundwater-fed flow-through ...
FIGURE 1. Chydorus izvekovae sp. nov. from thermokarst lake near Yanskiy village, Olsky District, Ma...
FIGURE 4. Bythotrephes brevimanus Lilljeborg, 1901, females. A: Lake Obsterno (Belarus). B: Lake Dol...
FIGURE 3. Alona werestschagini Sinev, 1999 from Russia, Tuva Republic, groundwater-fed flow-through ...
FIGURE 5. Bythotrephes arcticus Lilljeborg, adult parthenogenetic females (A, lake 1 (basin of the R...
FIGURES 285–293. Leydigia laevis, parthenogenetic female from unnamed lake 8, SW of Cooma, Australia...
Figure 2. Extremalona timmsi sp. nov. from the type location. (A) Parthenogenetic female, holotype;,...
FIGURE 1. Limnosida frontosa Sars, 1862, females. (A, Lake Stensrudvann, Norway; B, L, Lake Konneves...
FIGURE 1. Ceriodaphnia dubia s.l., from an oxbow of the Don River near Stogovskoy village, Rostov Ar...
Figure 3. Extremalona timmsi sp. nov. from the type location, paratypes from the personal collection...
FIGURE 4. Ovalona nuragica from small temporary pond near Laguna de Bonache, near Siles town, Jaén, ...
A long hidden chydorid (Chydoridae, Cladocera) taxon, first found as fossil specimens and recently r...
FIGURE 2. Rhynchotalona latens (Sarmaja-Korjonen, Hakojärvi et Korhola, 2000) from coastal Sphagnum ...
FIGURE 4. Anthalona vandammei sp. nov. from Lake Kud-Thing, Bueng Kan Province, Thailand (type local...
FIGURE 1. Alona begoniae sp. nov. from St Naum Bay, Lake Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia (type lo...
FIGURE 1. Alona werestschagini Sinev, 1999 from Russia, Tuva Republic, groundwater-fed flow-through ...
FIGURE 1. Chydorus izvekovae sp. nov. from thermokarst lake near Yanskiy village, Olsky District, Ma...
FIGURE 4. Bythotrephes brevimanus Lilljeborg, 1901, females. A: Lake Obsterno (Belarus). B: Lake Dol...
FIGURE 3. Alona werestschagini Sinev, 1999 from Russia, Tuva Republic, groundwater-fed flow-through ...
FIGURE 5. Bythotrephes arcticus Lilljeborg, adult parthenogenetic females (A, lake 1 (basin of the R...
FIGURES 285–293. Leydigia laevis, parthenogenetic female from unnamed lake 8, SW of Cooma, Australia...
Figure 2. Extremalona timmsi sp. nov. from the type location. (A) Parthenogenetic female, holotype;,...
FIGURE 1. Limnosida frontosa Sars, 1862, females. (A, Lake Stensrudvann, Norway; B, L, Lake Konneves...
FIGURE 1. Ceriodaphnia dubia s.l., from an oxbow of the Don River near Stogovskoy village, Rostov Ar...
Figure 3. Extremalona timmsi sp. nov. from the type location, paratypes from the personal collection...
FIGURE 4. Ovalona nuragica from small temporary pond near Laguna de Bonache, near Siles town, Jaén, ...