FIGURE 5. Phenological features of Bituminaria basaltica. A. Natural stands with Hyparrhenia hirta dry grassland habitat (Filicudi). B. Inflorescence. C. Terminal branches with leaves and inflorescences. D. Synanthropic stands abandoned fields (Filicudi). E. Fructified inflorescence. (Photos by P. Minissale).Published as part of Minissale, Pietro, Brullo, Cristian, Brullo, Salvatore, Galdo, Gianpietro Giusso Del & Sciandrello, Saverio, 2013, Bituminaria basaltica (Fabaceae), a new species from Italy, pp. 1-15 in Phytotaxa 98 (1) on page 8, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.98.1.1,
FIGURE 4. Phenological features of Brassica trichocarpa. A. Flowered plant in natural habitat. B. Ba...
FIGURE 2. Inocybe cervenianensis. Fresh basidiomes. A Holotype- GDOR623. B Coll. MCVE21684. Photos: ...
Figure 6 Boxplots expressing morphological variation between Anthyllis apennina (APE) and A. pulchel...
Figure 4 - Phenological features of Bituminaria antiatlantica A Natural habitat with ...
Figure 5 - SEM micrographs of seed testa (A–C) and pod hairs (D–F) of Bituminaria ant...
Figure 2 - Diagnostic features regarding the vegetative structures of Bituminaria ant...
FIGURE 1. A) A group of five 'dark' plants mainly of type ic–ro–cd–he according to definitions provi...
FIGURE 5. Phenological features of Ephedra strongylensis. A. Stromboli near Ginostra (locus classicu...
FIGURE 5. Phenological features of Epipactis microphylla subsp. cossyrensis. A–B. Habit in nature. C...
Figure 2 Anthyllis apennina F.Conti & Bartolucci, sp. nov. A inflorescence (Mt. Tricella, photo F. C...
Figure 5 UPGMA dendrogram, showing the phenetic relationships among the 37 studied specimens of Anth...
Figure 5 SEM micrographs of the seed coat of Alliumalbanicum. A Seed (dorsal face, 30×) B Seed (vent...
FIGURE 5: Types and aspects of inflorescences. A. and D. Chamaecrista setosa inflorescence in panicl...
Figure 7 Phenological features of Alliumalbanicum and A.meteoricum. A Growing habitat of A.albanicum...
Figure 7 AAnthyllis apennina, Mt. Tricella, Abruzzo, Italy (photo F. Conti) BAnthyllis vulneraria su...
FIGURE 4. Phenological features of Brassica trichocarpa. A. Flowered plant in natural habitat. B. Ba...
FIGURE 2. Inocybe cervenianensis. Fresh basidiomes. A Holotype- GDOR623. B Coll. MCVE21684. Photos: ...
Figure 6 Boxplots expressing morphological variation between Anthyllis apennina (APE) and A. pulchel...
Figure 4 - Phenological features of Bituminaria antiatlantica A Natural habitat with ...
Figure 5 - SEM micrographs of seed testa (A–C) and pod hairs (D–F) of Bituminaria ant...
Figure 2 - Diagnostic features regarding the vegetative structures of Bituminaria ant...
FIGURE 1. A) A group of five 'dark' plants mainly of type ic–ro–cd–he according to definitions provi...
FIGURE 5. Phenological features of Ephedra strongylensis. A. Stromboli near Ginostra (locus classicu...
FIGURE 5. Phenological features of Epipactis microphylla subsp. cossyrensis. A–B. Habit in nature. C...
Figure 2 Anthyllis apennina F.Conti & Bartolucci, sp. nov. A inflorescence (Mt. Tricella, photo F. C...
Figure 5 UPGMA dendrogram, showing the phenetic relationships among the 37 studied specimens of Anth...
Figure 5 SEM micrographs of the seed coat of Alliumalbanicum. A Seed (dorsal face, 30×) B Seed (vent...
FIGURE 5: Types and aspects of inflorescences. A. and D. Chamaecrista setosa inflorescence in panicl...
Figure 7 Phenological features of Alliumalbanicum and A.meteoricum. A Growing habitat of A.albanicum...
Figure 7 AAnthyllis apennina, Mt. Tricella, Abruzzo, Italy (photo F. Conti) BAnthyllis vulneraria su...
FIGURE 4. Phenological features of Brassica trichocarpa. A. Flowered plant in natural habitat. B. Ba...
FIGURE 2. Inocybe cervenianensis. Fresh basidiomes. A Holotype- GDOR623. B Coll. MCVE21684. Photos: ...
Figure 6 Boxplots expressing morphological variation between Anthyllis apennina (APE) and A. pulchel...