248. Long-footed Tree Mouse Lorentzimys nouhuysii French: Rat de Nouhuys / German: Neuguinea-Baumspringmaus / Spanish: Ratén arboricola de pies largos Other common names: New Guinean Jumping Mouse Taxonomy. Lorentzimys nouhuysii Jentink, 1911, “Bivak II (+x 400 m.),” Noord (= Lorentz River), Province of Papua, West-Papua (= Irian Jaya), New Guinea. Genus Lorentzimys, in the past listed as a single clade or as sole member of the Lorentzimys division, is currently classified within tribe Hydromyini, where it may belong to a clade (Pogonomys + Lorentzimys) close to Macruromys, Anisomys, Chiruromys, Hyomys, and Pogonomys. Some earlier authors recognized highland form “ alticola ” as a distinct species or subspecies. Further undes...
9. Paraguana Spiny Pocket Mouse Heteromys oasicus French: Souris-a-ajaboues de Paraguana / Ger...
767. Montane Hill Rat Bunomys penitus French: Bunomys des montagnes / German: Zentral-Sulawesi-Be...
357. Delicate Red-nosed Tree Mouse Juliomys ossitenuis French: Juliomys délicat / German: Zier...
231. Broad-headed Tree Mouse Chiruromys lamia French: Chiruromys a téte large / German: Breitk...
299. Chestnut Tree Mouse Pogonomys macrourus French: Pogonomys a longue queue / German: Kastan...
223. Margaret's Ranee Mouse Haeromys margarettae French: Haeromys de Margaret / German: Borneo...
683. Large Long-clawed Mouse Geoxus annectens French: Géoxus de Patterson / German: GrofRe Lan...
665. Ladew’s Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys ladewi French: Thomasomys de Ladew / German: Ladew-Para...
754. Musschenbroek’s Sulawesi Spiny Rat Maxomys musschenbroekii French: Maxomys de Musschenbroek ...
279. Northern Groove-toothed Shrew Mouse Microhydromys richardsoni French: Hydromys de Richard...
160. Maned Rat Lophiomys imhausi French: Rat-a-criniere / German: Mahnenratte / Spanish: Rata ...
15. Mouse Bandicoot Microperoryctes murina French: Bandicoot souris / German: Weyland-Mausnase...
663. Anderson’s Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys andersoni French: Thomasomys d/Anderson / German: An...
730. Pearson’s Leaf-eared Mouse Phyllotis pearsoni French: Phyllotis de Pearson / German: Pear...
650. Montane Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys oreas French: Thomasomys de montagne / German: Bolivien...
9. Paraguana Spiny Pocket Mouse Heteromys oasicus French: Souris-a-ajaboues de Paraguana / Ger...
767. Montane Hill Rat Bunomys penitus French: Bunomys des montagnes / German: Zentral-Sulawesi-Be...
357. Delicate Red-nosed Tree Mouse Juliomys ossitenuis French: Juliomys délicat / German: Zier...
231. Broad-headed Tree Mouse Chiruromys lamia French: Chiruromys a téte large / German: Breitk...
299. Chestnut Tree Mouse Pogonomys macrourus French: Pogonomys a longue queue / German: Kastan...
223. Margaret's Ranee Mouse Haeromys margarettae French: Haeromys de Margaret / German: Borneo...
683. Large Long-clawed Mouse Geoxus annectens French: Géoxus de Patterson / German: GrofRe Lan...
665. Ladew’s Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys ladewi French: Thomasomys de Ladew / German: Ladew-Para...
754. Musschenbroek’s Sulawesi Spiny Rat Maxomys musschenbroekii French: Maxomys de Musschenbroek ...
279. Northern Groove-toothed Shrew Mouse Microhydromys richardsoni French: Hydromys de Richard...
160. Maned Rat Lophiomys imhausi French: Rat-a-criniere / German: Mahnenratte / Spanish: Rata ...
15. Mouse Bandicoot Microperoryctes murina French: Bandicoot souris / German: Weyland-Mausnase...
663. Anderson’s Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys andersoni French: Thomasomys d/Anderson / German: An...
730. Pearson’s Leaf-eared Mouse Phyllotis pearsoni French: Phyllotis de Pearson / German: Pear...
650. Montane Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys oreas French: Thomasomys de montagne / German: Bolivien...
9. Paraguana Spiny Pocket Mouse Heteromys oasicus French: Souris-a-ajaboues de Paraguana / Ger...
767. Montane Hill Rat Bunomys penitus French: Bunomys des montagnes / German: Zentral-Sulawesi-Be...
357. Delicate Red-nosed Tree Mouse Juliomys ossitenuis French: Juliomys délicat / German: Zier...