Release 0.9.0 brings the following: Added: A misalign_lhc_ir_quadrupoles function in the cpymadtools.errors module to conveniently apply EALIGN to IR quadrupoles. A misalign_lhc_triplets function in the cpymadtools.errors, convenience wrapper around the aforementioned one for triplets. A correct_lhc_orbit function in the cpymadtools.orbit module to perform orbit correction using MCB.* elements in the LHC. A vary_independent_ir_quadrupoles function in the cpymadtools.special to conveniently send the vary commands for the desired quadrupoles in the IRs. A tune module in cpymadtools with currently a make_footprint_table function that creates a DYNAP setup according to parameters and returns the generated table. An utils.htc_monitor module w...