32. Liberian Mongoose Liberiictis kuhni French: Mangouste du Libéria / German: Liberia-Kusimanse / Spanish: Mangosta de Liberia Taxonomy. Liberiictis kuhni Hayman, 1958, Kpeaplay, NE Liberia. Monotypic. Distribution. Ivory Coast and Liberia. Descriptive notes. Head-body 43.2-46. 8 cm, tail 19.7-20. 5 cm; weight 2-3 kg. No sexual dimorphism has been reported. A medium-sized mongoose, with a dark brown pelage, a pale throat, and two dark stripes on the sides of the neck (bordered by faint white ones). Head elongated, with a long snout; ears small and round. The tail is bushy, gradually tapering towards the tip. Legs are gradually darker toward the extremities. Dental formula I 3/3 C 1/1 P 4/4 M 2/2 = 40. Teeth are relativel...
53. Malbrouck Monkey Chlorocebus cynosuros French: Vervet malbrouck / German: Angola-Griinmeer...
87. Upper Guinea Red Colobus Piliocolobus badius French: Colobe bai / German: Roter Stummelaff...
277. Ribboned Rope Squirrel Funisciurus lemniscatus French: Ecureuil rubané / German: Gebander...
20. Bushy-tailed Mongoose Bdeogale crassicauda French: Mangouste a queue touffue / German: B...
Lowe’s guenon ( Cercopithecus campbelli lowei) is still one of the commonest monkeys of the Ivory Co...
In this paper, it is presented fauna which lives in Liberia. Here are presented almost all systemati...
422. Ivory Coast Defua Rat Dephomys eburneae French: Déphomys de Céted'Ivoire / German: Liberi...
1. Nimba Otter-shrew Micropotamogale lamotte French: Micropotamogale du Nimba / German: Nimba-...
122. Upemba Lechwe Kobus anselli French: Cobe d'Ansell / German: Upemba-Litschi / Spanish: Kob...
27. Sooty Mangabey Cercocebus atys French: Mangabey fuligineux / German: Rulmangabe / Spanish:...
25. Golden-bellied Mangabey Cercocebus chrysogaster French: Mangabey a ventre doré / German: G...
48. Northern Talapoin Monkey Miopithecus ogouensis French: Talapoin du Gabon / German: Nordlic...
46. Allen’s Swamp Monkey Allenopithecus nigroviridis French: Cercopithéque d'Allen / German: S...
250. Black Duiker Cephalophus niger French: Céphalophe noir / German: Schwarzducker / Spanish:...
The forest ecosystem of South-western Côte d'Ivoire harbors an exceptional biological diversity with...
53. Malbrouck Monkey Chlorocebus cynosuros French: Vervet malbrouck / German: Angola-Griinmeer...
87. Upper Guinea Red Colobus Piliocolobus badius French: Colobe bai / German: Roter Stummelaff...
277. Ribboned Rope Squirrel Funisciurus lemniscatus French: Ecureuil rubané / German: Gebander...
20. Bushy-tailed Mongoose Bdeogale crassicauda French: Mangouste a queue touffue / German: B...
Lowe’s guenon ( Cercopithecus campbelli lowei) is still one of the commonest monkeys of the Ivory Co...
In this paper, it is presented fauna which lives in Liberia. Here are presented almost all systemati...
422. Ivory Coast Defua Rat Dephomys eburneae French: Déphomys de Céted'Ivoire / German: Liberi...
1. Nimba Otter-shrew Micropotamogale lamotte French: Micropotamogale du Nimba / German: Nimba-...
122. Upemba Lechwe Kobus anselli French: Cobe d'Ansell / German: Upemba-Litschi / Spanish: Kob...
27. Sooty Mangabey Cercocebus atys French: Mangabey fuligineux / German: Rulmangabe / Spanish:...
25. Golden-bellied Mangabey Cercocebus chrysogaster French: Mangabey a ventre doré / German: G...
48. Northern Talapoin Monkey Miopithecus ogouensis French: Talapoin du Gabon / German: Nordlic...
46. Allen’s Swamp Monkey Allenopithecus nigroviridis French: Cercopithéque d'Allen / German: S...
250. Black Duiker Cephalophus niger French: Céphalophe noir / German: Schwarzducker / Spanish:...
The forest ecosystem of South-western Côte d'Ivoire harbors an exceptional biological diversity with...
53. Malbrouck Monkey Chlorocebus cynosuros French: Vervet malbrouck / German: Angola-Griinmeer...
87. Upper Guinea Red Colobus Piliocolobus badius French: Colobe bai / German: Roter Stummelaff...
277. Ribboned Rope Squirrel Funisciurus lemniscatus French: Ecureuil rubané / German: Gebander...