Figure 1. Vahatra ambohitra (Cumberlidge and Meyer, 2009) comb. nov., holotype, adult ♂, CW 39.5 mm, MNHN B 30154, from Diana Region, Madagascar, views of the cephalothorax: a, dorsal, c, frontal, e, ventral. Toamasina clarki sp. nov., holotype, adult ♂, CW 43.0 mm, NMU PN 17–21.3.2003, from Toamasina Province, Madagascar, views of the cephalothorax: b, dorsal; d, frontal, and f, ventral. Scale bar: a, c, e = 8.4 mm; b, d, f = 8.8 mm.Published as part of Leever, Ellen M., Daniels, Savel R., Soma, Julia B. & Cumberlidge, Neil, 2022, Two new genera and a new species of freshwater crabs from northern Madagascar: Vahatra gen. nov. for Foza ambohitra Cumberlidge and Meyer, 2009, and Toamasina gen. nov. for Toamasina clarki sp. nov. (Brachyura: P...
FIGURE 1. Xiphonectes aculeatus sp. nov., female holotype (19.5 × 10.6 mm) MNHN-IU-2010-3218. A, dor...
Figure 1. Potamonautes bwindi sp. nov., holotype, adult male, CW 20.2 mm, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest...
FIGURE 3. Glabrithelphusa angene n. gen n. sp.. Holotype, adult male from Madagascar (cw 41.5, cl 29...
Figure 2. Vahatra ambohitra (Cumberlidge and Meyer, 2009) comb. nov., holotype, adult ♂, CW 39.5 mm,...
Figure 3. Vahatra ambohitra (Cumberlidge and Meyer, 2009) comb. nov., paratype, adult ♀, CW 35.0 mm,...
Figure 4. Vahatra ambohitra (Cumberlidge and Meyer, 2009) comb. nov., holotype, adult ♂, CW 39.5 mm,...
Figure 5. Vahatra ambohitra (Cumberlidge and Meyer, 2009) comb. nov., holotype, adult ♂, CW 39.5 mm,...
Figure 6. Map of Madagascar showing the distributional range of Vahatra ambohitra (Cumberlidge and M...
Leever, Ellen M., Daniels, Savel R., Soma, Julia B., Cumberlidge, Neil (2022): Two new genera and a ...
Fig. 3. Foza manonae sp. nov. Holotype, adult ♂, CW 43.7 mm, Ankarana Special Reserve, Madagascar (Z...
FIGURE 1. Longipotamonautes bolobo n. sp., adult ♁ CW 38.8 mm, from the Democratic Republic of the C...
FIG. 1. — Dorsal view of the carapace of adult males of Madagascan freshwater crabs; A, Hydrothelphu...
FIGURE 1. Liberonautes constantini n. sp., holotype, adult ♁ CW 21.8 mm, from Mt. Tonkoui, Côte d'Iv...
Figure 1. Potamonautes niloticus (H. Milne Edwards, 1837). Adult male from Yala River, Kenya (NHM 20...
FIGURE 2. Liberonautes constantini n. sp., holotype, adult ♁ CW 21.8 mm, from Mt. Tonkoui, Côte d'Iv...
FIGURE 1. Xiphonectes aculeatus sp. nov., female holotype (19.5 × 10.6 mm) MNHN-IU-2010-3218. A, dor...
Figure 1. Potamonautes bwindi sp. nov., holotype, adult male, CW 20.2 mm, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest...
FIGURE 3. Glabrithelphusa angene n. gen n. sp.. Holotype, adult male from Madagascar (cw 41.5, cl 29...
Figure 2. Vahatra ambohitra (Cumberlidge and Meyer, 2009) comb. nov., holotype, adult ♂, CW 39.5 mm,...
Figure 3. Vahatra ambohitra (Cumberlidge and Meyer, 2009) comb. nov., paratype, adult ♀, CW 35.0 mm,...
Figure 4. Vahatra ambohitra (Cumberlidge and Meyer, 2009) comb. nov., holotype, adult ♂, CW 39.5 mm,...
Figure 5. Vahatra ambohitra (Cumberlidge and Meyer, 2009) comb. nov., holotype, adult ♂, CW 39.5 mm,...
Figure 6. Map of Madagascar showing the distributional range of Vahatra ambohitra (Cumberlidge and M...
Leever, Ellen M., Daniels, Savel R., Soma, Julia B., Cumberlidge, Neil (2022): Two new genera and a ...
Fig. 3. Foza manonae sp. nov. Holotype, adult ♂, CW 43.7 mm, Ankarana Special Reserve, Madagascar (Z...
FIGURE 1. Longipotamonautes bolobo n. sp., adult ♁ CW 38.8 mm, from the Democratic Republic of the C...
FIG. 1. — Dorsal view of the carapace of adult males of Madagascan freshwater crabs; A, Hydrothelphu...
FIGURE 1. Liberonautes constantini n. sp., holotype, adult ♁ CW 21.8 mm, from Mt. Tonkoui, Côte d'Iv...
Figure 1. Potamonautes niloticus (H. Milne Edwards, 1837). Adult male from Yala River, Kenya (NHM 20...
FIGURE 2. Liberonautes constantini n. sp., holotype, adult ♁ CW 21.8 mm, from Mt. Tonkoui, Côte d'Iv...
FIGURE 1. Xiphonectes aculeatus sp. nov., female holotype (19.5 × 10.6 mm) MNHN-IU-2010-3218. A, dor...
Figure 1. Potamonautes bwindi sp. nov., holotype, adult male, CW 20.2 mm, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest...
FIGURE 3. Glabrithelphusa angene n. gen n. sp.. Holotype, adult male from Madagascar (cw 41.5, cl 29...