Futûḥ-Alḥaramain. This manuscript is now IO Islamic 1418 in the India Office collections. [metadata: Hermann Ethé, Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office, 2 vols. (Oxford: India Office, 1903): volume 1, number 208 here with notations and hyperlinks]. 1418 Another copy of the same. Beginning the same as in the preceding copy; the poem concludes on fol.56b, and is followed, on ff. 57b-73b, by the same anonymous prose-treatise on the holy places of Makkah, which is noticed in No. 426 of the Bodleian Cat., beginning here: بدان ايّدك الله بنيل هذه السّعادات و الكرامات كه اين كلمۀ چند مسطور شده در بيان ذراع حرم مكّۀ معظّمه حرّمها الله تعالى عن الآفات و البليّات و مساحت مسجد الحرام كه عبارتست از حرم كعبۀ معظّمۀ م...