FIGURE 4. Drawings of Cassidulus infidus UFBA-314 showing: (A) floscele with peristome aperture in light solid gray, bourrelets shaded, naked zone pits in dark solid gray, sphaeridial pits in solid black, phyllopores and primary tubercles represented by small open circles and three concentric circles, respectively, and (B) basicoronal plates around peristome aperture in light gray, from specimen 12.86 mm long; (C) internal oral surface of phyllode IV (phyllopores in solid black) from specimen 9.46 mm long; and (D) SEM of sphaeridium from pit in interambulacrum 5. Scale bars for A-C are 1 mm and for D is 10 µm long.Published as part of Souto, Camilla, Manso, Cynthia L. C. & Martins, Luciana, 2011, Rediscovery and redescription of Cassidulus ...
FIGURE 2. Cassidulus briareus sp. nov. (MP 1267 MNHWU; all from holotype except B, F–H): (A–D, G–H) ...
FIGURE 5. Cassidulus caribaearum Lamarck, 1801 (CASIZ 222205 [neotype] [A–D, I–L]; CASIZ 112638 [E–G...
Figure 4. Fixed specimen Plagiobrissus grandis (ECH 033) – captured at approximately 10 m depth near...
FIGURE 3. Drawings of Cassidulus infidus UFBA-314 showing: (A) apical disc with four genital pores i...
FIGURE 5. Drawings of Cassidulus infidus UFBA-314 showing: (A) internal view of periproct from speci...
FIGURE 6. Drawings of Cassidulus infidus UFBA-314 showing: miliary spines from (A) aboral and (B) or...
FIGURE 3. Drawings of Cassidulus infidus UFBA-314 showing: (A) apical disc with four genital pores i...
FIGURE 1. Drawings of Cassidulus infidus UFBA-314 showing: shape of test in (A) aboral, (B) oral, (C...
FIGURE 2. Cassidulus infidus SMNH-Type-4859 (holotype): (A) aboral and (B) oral surface; UFBA-314: (...
FIGURE 4. Cassidulus caribaearum Lamarck, 1801 (CASIZ 222205 [neotype] [A–E]; CASIZ 112683B [F–G, I–...
FIGURE 7. SEM of external appendages of Cassidulus infidus UFBA-314: (A) complete ophicephalous pedi...
FIGURE 7. SEM of external appendages of Cassidulus infidus UFBA-314: (A) complete ophicephalous pedi...
FIGURE 5. Morphological characters of Plesiodiadema antillarum (UFPB/ECH.2293). (A–G) and Cassidulus...
FIGURE 3. Cassidulus caribaearum (?) (MNHN-IE-2013-10590 [syntype?]): photos of (A) internal and (B)...
FIGURE 4. Parathyone braziliensis (Verrill, 1868), UFPB.ECH-1063. A, external view of the animal; B,...
FIGURE 2. Cassidulus briareus sp. nov. (MP 1267 MNHWU; all from holotype except B, F–H): (A–D, G–H) ...
FIGURE 5. Cassidulus caribaearum Lamarck, 1801 (CASIZ 222205 [neotype] [A–D, I–L]; CASIZ 112638 [E–G...
Figure 4. Fixed specimen Plagiobrissus grandis (ECH 033) – captured at approximately 10 m depth near...
FIGURE 3. Drawings of Cassidulus infidus UFBA-314 showing: (A) apical disc with four genital pores i...
FIGURE 5. Drawings of Cassidulus infidus UFBA-314 showing: (A) internal view of periproct from speci...
FIGURE 6. Drawings of Cassidulus infidus UFBA-314 showing: miliary spines from (A) aboral and (B) or...
FIGURE 3. Drawings of Cassidulus infidus UFBA-314 showing: (A) apical disc with four genital pores i...
FIGURE 1. Drawings of Cassidulus infidus UFBA-314 showing: shape of test in (A) aboral, (B) oral, (C...
FIGURE 2. Cassidulus infidus SMNH-Type-4859 (holotype): (A) aboral and (B) oral surface; UFBA-314: (...
FIGURE 4. Cassidulus caribaearum Lamarck, 1801 (CASIZ 222205 [neotype] [A–E]; CASIZ 112683B [F–G, I–...
FIGURE 7. SEM of external appendages of Cassidulus infidus UFBA-314: (A) complete ophicephalous pedi...
FIGURE 7. SEM of external appendages of Cassidulus infidus UFBA-314: (A) complete ophicephalous pedi...
FIGURE 5. Morphological characters of Plesiodiadema antillarum (UFPB/ECH.2293). (A–G) and Cassidulus...
FIGURE 3. Cassidulus caribaearum (?) (MNHN-IE-2013-10590 [syntype?]): photos of (A) internal and (B)...
FIGURE 4. Parathyone braziliensis (Verrill, 1868), UFPB.ECH-1063. A, external view of the animal; B,...
FIGURE 2. Cassidulus briareus sp. nov. (MP 1267 MNHWU; all from holotype except B, F–H): (A–D, G–H) ...
FIGURE 5. Cassidulus caribaearum Lamarck, 1801 (CASIZ 222205 [neotype] [A–D, I–L]; CASIZ 112638 [E–G...
Figure 4. Fixed specimen Plagiobrissus grandis (ECH 033) – captured at approximately 10 m depth near...