Added aug-cc-pwCV*Z basis Improved Memory footprint of FCI module Mole.spin initialization. A guess can be made for spin multiplicity based on neutral system. Fixed PBC SCF orbital canonicalization Missed complex conjugation in HF/KS modules SHCI runtime directory Normalization issue for Cartesian basis in Molden output cc-pwCV5Z basi
New features: DFT-D3 interface semi_incore ao2mo transformation PBC k-point SCF stability analysis ...
Added transition metal BFD basis script to fix dylib library dependence for Mac Bugfix active sp...
A modular selected configuration interaction (SCI) code has been developed that is based on the exis...
Added State average CASSCF helper function for mixed spin/spatial-symmetry FCI solvers Example for t...
Added pbc.eph State-average CASSCF example Spin density analysis to uhf.analyze() Passing point grou...
Added k-point orbitals to gamma-point orbitals transformation function k2gamma Wigner D-matrix and d...
Bugfix GIAO contributions to the off diagonal part of nmr tensor. Handle zero core electrons in ECP...
New features: Spin-free X2C Hamiltonian for PBC calculation Overlap of two CI wavefunctions over di...
PySCF 1.6.2 (2019-6-17) Added The slow version of KTDSCF and KGW methods for molecular systems The ...
Improved Fix symmetrization for k-point density in pbc.dft.numint. Molden parser to handle UHF orbit...
Added k-CCSD density matrix k-CCSD(T) with core frozen sgX method (a pseudo-spectral method like CO...
New features: Spinor-GTO evaluator Dirac-Kohn-Sham (LDA functional) EDIIS and ADIIS Periodic CCSD w...
Improved the memory usage for a large number of MM particles (issue #193) Bugfix Frozen orbitals i...
Added Frank Jensen, Polarization consistent basis sets Improved Memory usage of pbc KHF calculatio...
Bugfix meta-GGA functional detection code in XC parser Orbital symmetry label in mcscf initial guess...
New features: DFT-D3 interface semi_incore ao2mo transformation PBC k-point SCF stability analysis ...
Added transition metal BFD basis script to fix dylib library dependence for Mac Bugfix active sp...
A modular selected configuration interaction (SCI) code has been developed that is based on the exis...
Added State average CASSCF helper function for mixed spin/spatial-symmetry FCI solvers Example for t...
Added pbc.eph State-average CASSCF example Spin density analysis to uhf.analyze() Passing point grou...
Added k-point orbitals to gamma-point orbitals transformation function k2gamma Wigner D-matrix and d...
Bugfix GIAO contributions to the off diagonal part of nmr tensor. Handle zero core electrons in ECP...
New features: Spin-free X2C Hamiltonian for PBC calculation Overlap of two CI wavefunctions over di...
PySCF 1.6.2 (2019-6-17) Added The slow version of KTDSCF and KGW methods for molecular systems The ...
Improved Fix symmetrization for k-point density in pbc.dft.numint. Molden parser to handle UHF orbit...
Added k-CCSD density matrix k-CCSD(T) with core frozen sgX method (a pseudo-spectral method like CO...
New features: Spinor-GTO evaluator Dirac-Kohn-Sham (LDA functional) EDIIS and ADIIS Periodic CCSD w...
Improved the memory usage for a large number of MM particles (issue #193) Bugfix Frozen orbitals i...
Added Frank Jensen, Polarization consistent basis sets Improved Memory usage of pbc KHF calculatio...
Bugfix meta-GGA functional detection code in XC parser Orbital symmetry label in mcscf initial guess...
New features: DFT-D3 interface semi_incore ao2mo transformation PBC k-point SCF stability analysis ...
Added transition metal BFD basis script to fix dylib library dependence for Mac Bugfix active sp...
A modular selected configuration interaction (SCI) code has been developed that is based on the exis...