small improvements to calculation of statistics for regression coefficients pls.getRegCoeffs() now also returns standard error and confidence intervals calculated for unstandardized variables new method summary() for object with regression coefficients (regcoeffs) fixed a bug with double labels on regression coefficients plot with confidence intervals fixed a bug in some PLS plots where labels for cross-validated results forced to be numbers when using mdaplot for data frame with one or more factor columns, the factors are now transofrmed to dummy variables (before it led to an error) Bookdown documentation has been updates accordingl
R script used in the article.<br><br>We found a small mistake in the original script and thus correc...
0.18.0 LogNormalFitter is a new univariate fitter you can use. WeibullFitter now correctly returns ...
<p>Signif. Codes: ‘†’ p<0.001; ‘**’ p<0.01; ‘*’ p<0.05; ‘.’ p<0.1. Standard errors in italics. McFad...
fixed a bug related to wrong calculation of R2 in case of multiple response variables (PLS2) refacto...
tutorial has been moved from GitBook to Bookdown and fully rewritten GitHub repo for the package has...
fixed a bug in PCA when explained variance was calculated incorrectly for data with excluded rows fi...
<p>Note: The first line in each cell is the coefficient, while the second line is the standard error...
Small improvements related to several plotting functions, plus fixed a bug with summary() for PLS2 m...
Results of the multilevel analysis (standardised regression coefficients; standard errors in parenth...
This is a bug-fixing replacement for the previous release. Two bugs are fixed. Firstly, there was a ...
We present a survey of possible algorithms and their rounding off trancation, arithmetic error bound...
Fixed bug #85 when using y-values as data frame gave an error in PLS regression Fixed bug #86 and c...
fixed a bug in mdaplot when using a factor with more than 8 levels for color grouping led to an erro...
<p>(A) A fragment length of a fragment end is an explanatory variable of FL, and an average coverage...
better description of cross-validation settings in help text (parameter cv) added column R2 (coeffic...
R script used in the article.<br><br>We found a small mistake in the original script and thus correc...
0.18.0 LogNormalFitter is a new univariate fitter you can use. WeibullFitter now correctly returns ...
<p>Signif. Codes: ‘†’ p<0.001; ‘**’ p<0.01; ‘*’ p<0.05; ‘.’ p<0.1. Standard errors in italics. McFad...
fixed a bug related to wrong calculation of R2 in case of multiple response variables (PLS2) refacto...
tutorial has been moved from GitBook to Bookdown and fully rewritten GitHub repo for the package has...
fixed a bug in PCA when explained variance was calculated incorrectly for data with excluded rows fi...
<p>Note: The first line in each cell is the coefficient, while the second line is the standard error...
Small improvements related to several plotting functions, plus fixed a bug with summary() for PLS2 m...
Results of the multilevel analysis (standardised regression coefficients; standard errors in parenth...
This is a bug-fixing replacement for the previous release. Two bugs are fixed. Firstly, there was a ...
We present a survey of possible algorithms and their rounding off trancation, arithmetic error bound...
Fixed bug #85 when using y-values as data frame gave an error in PLS regression Fixed bug #86 and c...
fixed a bug in mdaplot when using a factor with more than 8 levels for color grouping led to an erro...
<p>(A) A fragment length of a fragment end is an explanatory variable of FL, and an average coverage...
better description of cross-validation settings in help text (parameter cv) added column R2 (coeffic...
R script used in the article.<br><br>We found a small mistake in the original script and thus correc...
0.18.0 LogNormalFitter is a new univariate fitter you can use. WeibullFitter now correctly returns ...
<p>Signif. Codes: ‘†’ p<0.001; ‘**’ p<0.01; ‘*’ p<0.05; ‘.’ p<0.1. Standard errors in italics. McFad...