Blepharidatta fernandezi new species (Figs 1G –H, 9) Holotype worker: COLOMBIA: Amazonas, Río Ayo, 1°35’S69°31’W, Malaise trap,, F. Quevedo leg. [ICNC]. Holotype measurements: HL 1.15; HW 1.25; SL 0.8; ML 0.4; WL 1.4; PL 0.85; Ppl 0.3; Hfl 1.45; GL 1.3. Paratypes: 16 workers (1 sputtered with gold), same data as holotype [2 CPDC,2DZUP,2HCJG,2ICNC,2INPA,2MCZC,4MZSP]. Diagnosis (worker). Comparatively large species (Total length almost 5.5mm). Body predominantly black. Body mostly sparsely and irregularly covered by thin rugae. Eye weakly projecting, concealed by the frontal carina in full face view. Propodeal spine as long as the entire petiole in lateral view. Petiole strongly pedunculate, subcylindrical. Worker m...