Tetranchyroderma coreense sp. nov. (Fig. 2) Type material. Holotype (NIBRIV0000279616) and 12 paratypes (KIOSTG0201–0211, NIBRIV0000279617) mounted in glycerin on H-S slides, 7 Oct. 2001, leg. J. Lee & C. Y. Chang. Type locality. Hwasun, Jeju Island, Korea (33 ° 14 ′ 26 ″N, 126 ° 19 ′ 50 ″E; 4–5 m deep). Etymology. The specific name coreense alludes to the type locality of the present new species, Korea. Diagnosis. A small Tetranchyroderma with adult length upto 382 µm; pharynx length to 92 µm; PhJIn at U 42; head large, rounded with its anterior edge uneven; cephalic tentacles and pestle organs absent; cuticular armature of pentancres only; a pair of lateral cirratum-type tubes located at anterior pharyngeal region, 2 pairs of...
Genus Nipponnemertes Friedrich, 1968 Species Nipponnemertes bimaculata (Coe 1901) Specimen ...
Dixamflata gen. nov. (Figs 1–52) Type species. Dixamflata petri sp. nov., here designated. Di...
Bolbapium boillyi Carvalho and Vaz-de-Mello, sp. nov. (Figures 4 (d), 9(d), (e), (f), 12(b)) Dia...
Tetranchyroderma korynetum new species [Tet krnt] Figure 6 A–C Tetranchyroderma sp. AB (Todaro, ...
Pseudocyrtohymenides lacunae nov. spec. Diagnosis: Size in vivo 120–165 μm × 25–50 μm; body flex...
Cephennomicrus tsurui sp. n. (Figs. 18, 27, 28, 47, 52) Type material. Holotype: TAIWAN: 3, " Ta...
Amynthas gageodo Blakemore, sp. nov. Diagnosis: Size 150–170 mm. Spermathecal pores lateral in 5/...
Neotraginops arikemi sp. nov. (Figs 5–7) Diagnosis. Ocellar tubercle well developed, with severa...
Hatschekia mihkagan n. sp. (Figs 133–147) Type material. Holotype, female (NSMT –Cr 20916), ex O...
Neoribates pseudojacoti sp. nov. (Figs 1–13) Diagnosis. Body size: 863–898 × 647–713. Rostrum na...
Chrysogorgia cylindrata sp. nov. Figs 21–33; Tables 8, 9 urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 67E52CEA-4937-...
Cyrtodactylus inthanon sp. nov. (Figs 1–7) Holotype. THNHM 22550; adult male from Doi Inthanon (...
Synoecnema watinagii sp. n. (Figs 1 & 2) Measurements. Table 1. Adult: Small but corpulent ne...
Prionospio expansa sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: FFB09C6C-8B69-4FD3-A49B-EFCC348F3B14 Figs 2...
Falcileptoneta alboclavata sp. nov. Figures 2–3, 13 (1) Type material. Holotype: ♁, Namsan Park,...
Genus Nipponnemertes Friedrich, 1968 Species Nipponnemertes bimaculata (Coe 1901) Specimen ...
Dixamflata gen. nov. (Figs 1–52) Type species. Dixamflata petri sp. nov., here designated. Di...
Bolbapium boillyi Carvalho and Vaz-de-Mello, sp. nov. (Figures 4 (d), 9(d), (e), (f), 12(b)) Dia...
Tetranchyroderma korynetum new species [Tet krnt] Figure 6 A–C Tetranchyroderma sp. AB (Todaro, ...
Pseudocyrtohymenides lacunae nov. spec. Diagnosis: Size in vivo 120–165 μm × 25–50 μm; body flex...
Cephennomicrus tsurui sp. n. (Figs. 18, 27, 28, 47, 52) Type material. Holotype: TAIWAN: 3, " Ta...
Amynthas gageodo Blakemore, sp. nov. Diagnosis: Size 150–170 mm. Spermathecal pores lateral in 5/...
Neotraginops arikemi sp. nov. (Figs 5–7) Diagnosis. Ocellar tubercle well developed, with severa...
Hatschekia mihkagan n. sp. (Figs 133–147) Type material. Holotype, female (NSMT –Cr 20916), ex O...
Neoribates pseudojacoti sp. nov. (Figs 1–13) Diagnosis. Body size: 863–898 × 647–713. Rostrum na...
Chrysogorgia cylindrata sp. nov. Figs 21–33; Tables 8, 9 urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 67E52CEA-4937-...
Cyrtodactylus inthanon sp. nov. (Figs 1–7) Holotype. THNHM 22550; adult male from Doi Inthanon (...
Synoecnema watinagii sp. n. (Figs 1 & 2) Measurements. Table 1. Adult: Small but corpulent ne...
Prionospio expansa sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: FFB09C6C-8B69-4FD3-A49B-EFCC348F3B14 Figs 2...
Falcileptoneta alboclavata sp. nov. Figures 2–3, 13 (1) Type material. Holotype: ♁, Namsan Park,...
Genus Nipponnemertes Friedrich, 1968 Species Nipponnemertes bimaculata (Coe 1901) Specimen ...
Dixamflata gen. nov. (Figs 1–52) Type species. Dixamflata petri sp. nov., here designated. Di...
Bolbapium boillyi Carvalho and Vaz-de-Mello, sp. nov. (Figures 4 (d), 9(d), (e), (f), 12(b)) Dia...