FIGURE 4. Selected morphological traits of the Peruvian Akodon aerosus group members. (A: A. surdus, MUSM 36600; B: A. aerosus, MUSM 8981; C: A. torques, MUSM 9045; D: A. orophilus, MUSM 37019; E: A. mollis, MUSM 23645). First row: rostrum in dorsal view (note the posterior borders of nasals and the configuration of premaxilar and nasal sutures); second row: dorsal view of the antorbital bridge region (note the size of the lacrimals); third row: zygomatic plate in ventrolateral view (note the anterior border and the thickness of the malar process of maxillary); fourth row: mesopterygoid region (note the size of foramen oval and the shape of parapterygoid fossa); fifth row: ascending ramus of the mandible in labial view (note size of the cap...
FIGURE 8. Comparison between the toothwear classes of Myers (1989) (A) and Akodon aliquantulus left ...
FIGURE 3. Dorsal (A) and ventral (B) views of skin of Akodon n. sp. (left pair: MCN–M 1382, 1383), a...
FIGURE 3. Standard Giemsa-stained karyotype of Akodon orophilus (2n = 26 FN = 40) from Huiquilla, Lu...
FIGURE 6. Some anatomical differences between Akodon josemariarguedasi sp. nov. (MUSM 22754; left) a...
FIGURE 4. Dorsal, ventral and lateral views of skull and lateral view of mandible of Akodon n. sp. (...
FIGURE 5. Dorsal, ventral and lateral views of cranium and mandible of Akodon josemariarguedasi sp. ...
FIGURE 5. Selected anatomical features of the skull of Akodon n. sp. (left) and A. cursor (right). A...
FIGURE 2. Dorsal, ventral and lateral views of cranium and mandible of Akodon orophilus s. s. (MUSM ...
FIGURE 1. Map showing the collection localities of Akodon orophilus (●) 1: Hierba Buena, 2: Leymebam...
FIGURE 4. Details of the alisphenoid region in skulls of Akodon oenos and A. spegazzinii showing the...
FIGURE 6. Upper and lower left molar tooth rows in occlusal view of Akodon n. sp. (MCN-M 3219—left, ...
FIGURE 4. Some external traits of Abrawayaomys chebezi, new species (based on specimen MACN 20253, h...
FIGURE 7. Dorsal, ventral, and lateral views of skull and lateral view of mandible of holotype of Ak...
FIGURE 3. Anatomical comparisons among Akodon oenos, A. spegazzinii, and A. neocenus involving the i...
FIGURE 4. Comparisons of selected external characters of, from left to right, Nephelomys ricardopalm...
FIGURE 8. Comparison between the toothwear classes of Myers (1989) (A) and Akodon aliquantulus left ...
FIGURE 3. Dorsal (A) and ventral (B) views of skin of Akodon n. sp. (left pair: MCN–M 1382, 1383), a...
FIGURE 3. Standard Giemsa-stained karyotype of Akodon orophilus (2n = 26 FN = 40) from Huiquilla, Lu...
FIGURE 6. Some anatomical differences between Akodon josemariarguedasi sp. nov. (MUSM 22754; left) a...
FIGURE 4. Dorsal, ventral and lateral views of skull and lateral view of mandible of Akodon n. sp. (...
FIGURE 5. Dorsal, ventral and lateral views of cranium and mandible of Akodon josemariarguedasi sp. ...
FIGURE 5. Selected anatomical features of the skull of Akodon n. sp. (left) and A. cursor (right). A...
FIGURE 2. Dorsal, ventral and lateral views of cranium and mandible of Akodon orophilus s. s. (MUSM ...
FIGURE 1. Map showing the collection localities of Akodon orophilus (●) 1: Hierba Buena, 2: Leymebam...
FIGURE 4. Details of the alisphenoid region in skulls of Akodon oenos and A. spegazzinii showing the...
FIGURE 6. Upper and lower left molar tooth rows in occlusal view of Akodon n. sp. (MCN-M 3219—left, ...
FIGURE 4. Some external traits of Abrawayaomys chebezi, new species (based on specimen MACN 20253, h...
FIGURE 7. Dorsal, ventral, and lateral views of skull and lateral view of mandible of holotype of Ak...
FIGURE 3. Anatomical comparisons among Akodon oenos, A. spegazzinii, and A. neocenus involving the i...
FIGURE 4. Comparisons of selected external characters of, from left to right, Nephelomys ricardopalm...
FIGURE 8. Comparison between the toothwear classes of Myers (1989) (A) and Akodon aliquantulus left ...
FIGURE 3. Dorsal (A) and ventral (B) views of skin of Akodon n. sp. (left pair: MCN–M 1382, 1383), a...
FIGURE 3. Standard Giemsa-stained karyotype of Akodon orophilus (2n = 26 FN = 40) from Huiquilla, Lu...