FIGURE 2. Aubrieta amasya. A. Rocky slope showing population of the novelty (arrows). B, C. Closeups of plants and flowers. D. Fruits. E. Leaves.Published as part of Tunçkol, Bilge & Al-Shehbaz, Ihsan A., 2023, Aubrieta amasya (Brassicaceae, Cruciferae), a new species from northern Turkey, pp. 255-258 in Phytotaxa 600 (4) on page 257, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.600.4.5,
FIGURE 1. Distribution map for A. artvinensis (), A. armeniaca var. macrantha (), A. armeniaca var. ...
Figure 2 - Cirsium semzinanicum sp. nov.: a habits b basal leaf c upper le...
FIGURE 1. Mattiastrum turcicum. A. Habitat and habit, B. Basal and cauline leaves, C. Inflorescence ...
FIGURE 1. A–C Habit and habitat of Aubrieta birolmutlui (arrow shows the fruiting individuals) B Clo...
FIGURE 2. Distribution of Aubrieta birolmutlui (), A. macrostyla (■), A. canescens subsp. canescens ...
FIGURE 2. Habit and parts of a complete flower A. A. gypsicola, B–C. Flowers, D. Pistil, E. Stamens....
FIGURE 2. Androsace artvinensis: A. Habitus in flowering time, B. Flowers, C. Corolla with glandular...
Tunçkol, Bilge, Al-Shehbaz, Ihsan A. (2023): Aubrieta amasya (Brassicaceae, Cruciferae), a new speci...
FIGURE 2. Micromorphology of A. kaynakiae. A. Lepidote hairs on cauline surface, B. Lepidote hairs o...
Figure 2 - Oenanthe millefolia (E.Doğan Güner 2044) A habitat B infloresce...
FIGURE 2. Gladiolus aladagensis. A: habit (1. lower part, 2. middle part, 3. upper part), B: flower,...
FIGURE 1. Knautia goecmenii: A. Lower stem; B. Inflorescence; C. Capitula; D. Flower; E. Corolla ins...
FIGURE 1. Tigridia azufresensis. A. Habitat. B. Flowering plant. C. Plant with fruits. D. Flower in ...
Figure 2 - Phyllaries of Psephellus vanensis. A, B Outer phyllaries C Median phyllaries D, E Inner p...
FIGURE 1. Acantholimon akaydinii Özüdoğru A. Habit; B. Leaves; C. Spikelet; D. Bracts; E1-E2: Outer ...
FIGURE 1. Distribution map for A. artvinensis (), A. armeniaca var. macrantha (), A. armeniaca var. ...
Figure 2 - Cirsium semzinanicum sp. nov.: a habits b basal leaf c upper le...
FIGURE 1. Mattiastrum turcicum. A. Habitat and habit, B. Basal and cauline leaves, C. Inflorescence ...
FIGURE 1. A–C Habit and habitat of Aubrieta birolmutlui (arrow shows the fruiting individuals) B Clo...
FIGURE 2. Distribution of Aubrieta birolmutlui (), A. macrostyla (■), A. canescens subsp. canescens ...
FIGURE 2. Habit and parts of a complete flower A. A. gypsicola, B–C. Flowers, D. Pistil, E. Stamens....
FIGURE 2. Androsace artvinensis: A. Habitus in flowering time, B. Flowers, C. Corolla with glandular...
Tunçkol, Bilge, Al-Shehbaz, Ihsan A. (2023): Aubrieta amasya (Brassicaceae, Cruciferae), a new speci...
FIGURE 2. Micromorphology of A. kaynakiae. A. Lepidote hairs on cauline surface, B. Lepidote hairs o...
Figure 2 - Oenanthe millefolia (E.Doğan Güner 2044) A habitat B infloresce...
FIGURE 2. Gladiolus aladagensis. A: habit (1. lower part, 2. middle part, 3. upper part), B: flower,...
FIGURE 1. Knautia goecmenii: A. Lower stem; B. Inflorescence; C. Capitula; D. Flower; E. Corolla ins...
FIGURE 1. Tigridia azufresensis. A. Habitat. B. Flowering plant. C. Plant with fruits. D. Flower in ...
Figure 2 - Phyllaries of Psephellus vanensis. A, B Outer phyllaries C Median phyllaries D, E Inner p...
FIGURE 1. Acantholimon akaydinii Özüdoğru A. Habit; B. Leaves; C. Spikelet; D. Bracts; E1-E2: Outer ...
FIGURE 1. Distribution map for A. artvinensis (), A. armeniaca var. macrantha (), A. armeniaca var. ...
Figure 2 - Cirsium semzinanicum sp. nov.: a habits b basal leaf c upper le...
FIGURE 1. Mattiastrum turcicum. A. Habitat and habit, B. Basal and cauline leaves, C. Inflorescence ...