Figure 3. Map showing worldwide distribution of Polydora colonia. References for records: 1, Moore 1907, Blake 1971; 2, present study; 3, Hartman 1945; 4, Dauer 1974; 5, Jones 1962; 6, Radashevsky unpublished; 7, Neves and Rocha 2008, Cangussu et al. 2010; 8, Blake 1983; 9, Day 1957; 10, Aguirre et al. 1986, Tena et al. 2000, Zenetos et al. 2010, Occhipinti-Ambrogi et al. 2010.Published as part of David, Andrew A. & Williams, Jason D., 2012, Morphology and natural history of the cryptogenic sponge associate Polydora colonia Moore, 1907 (Polychaeta: Spionidae), pp. 1509-1528 in Journal of Natural History 46 (23-24) on page 1517, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2012.679323,
FIGURE 3. Branchiomma coheni found in Tampa Bay: a) stylodes; specimen 158394 (2014), b) ventral vie...
FIGURE 3. Oncosclera navicella: (a) UFPEPOR1117 specimen; (b) megasclere; (c) gemmulosclere. Scale b...
FIGURE 3. Adult morphology of Polydora hoplura (South Korea). A, palp with regularly arranged black ...
FIGURE 3. Polydora ecuadoriana adult morphology and distribution of fertile (gametogenic) chaetigers...
FIGURE 3. Scanning electron micrographs of adult Polydora websteri Hartman in Loosanoff and Engle, 1...
FIGURE 1. Map showing reports of Polydora ecuadoriana (1 —Blake, 1983) and Polydora cf. haswelli in ...
FIGURE 1. Map showing records of Polydora, Dipolydora, and Pseudopolydora in the Black Sea and the M...
FIGURE 3. Plakinastrella stinapa n. sp., holotype RMNH Por. 9252, SEM images of the spicules, a. ove...
FIGURE 3. (a) Phylogenetic tree of Polydora websteri inferred from Cyt b sequences with Boccardia pr...
Figure 3 - A World-wide distribution of Ficopomatus uschakovi. Triangles denote examined material, c...
FIGURE 4. Polydora ecuadoriana adult morphology, Paraná (USNM 1022185). A, anterior end, dorsal view...
FIGURE 3. Trichogypsia alaskensis n. sp.: (A) the two fragments of the holotype. The left fragment s...
FIGURE 3. A. Geographical distribution of Characella pachastrelloides (Carter, 1876) and Characella ...
FIGURE 3. Spio picta Zachs, 1933: A. Anterior end, dorsal view. B. Anterior end, lateral view. C–G. ...
FIGURE 3 Plakortis symbiotica sp. nov. (A) holotype (USNM1254650) (brown) being overgrown by Xestosp...
FIGURE 3. Branchiomma coheni found in Tampa Bay: a) stylodes; specimen 158394 (2014), b) ventral vie...
FIGURE 3. Oncosclera navicella: (a) UFPEPOR1117 specimen; (b) megasclere; (c) gemmulosclere. Scale b...
FIGURE 3. Adult morphology of Polydora hoplura (South Korea). A, palp with regularly arranged black ...
FIGURE 3. Polydora ecuadoriana adult morphology and distribution of fertile (gametogenic) chaetigers...
FIGURE 3. Scanning electron micrographs of adult Polydora websteri Hartman in Loosanoff and Engle, 1...
FIGURE 1. Map showing reports of Polydora ecuadoriana (1 —Blake, 1983) and Polydora cf. haswelli in ...
FIGURE 1. Map showing records of Polydora, Dipolydora, and Pseudopolydora in the Black Sea and the M...
FIGURE 3. Plakinastrella stinapa n. sp., holotype RMNH Por. 9252, SEM images of the spicules, a. ove...
FIGURE 3. (a) Phylogenetic tree of Polydora websteri inferred from Cyt b sequences with Boccardia pr...
Figure 3 - A World-wide distribution of Ficopomatus uschakovi. Triangles denote examined material, c...
FIGURE 4. Polydora ecuadoriana adult morphology, Paraná (USNM 1022185). A, anterior end, dorsal view...
FIGURE 3. Trichogypsia alaskensis n. sp.: (A) the two fragments of the holotype. The left fragment s...
FIGURE 3. A. Geographical distribution of Characella pachastrelloides (Carter, 1876) and Characella ...
FIGURE 3. Spio picta Zachs, 1933: A. Anterior end, dorsal view. B. Anterior end, lateral view. C–G. ...
FIGURE 3 Plakortis symbiotica sp. nov. (A) holotype (USNM1254650) (brown) being overgrown by Xestosp...
FIGURE 3. Branchiomma coheni found in Tampa Bay: a) stylodes; specimen 158394 (2014), b) ventral vie...
FIGURE 3. Oncosclera navicella: (a) UFPEPOR1117 specimen; (b) megasclere; (c) gemmulosclere. Scale b...
FIGURE 3. Adult morphology of Polydora hoplura (South Korea). A, palp with regularly arranged black ...