Figure 7 - Female genitalia. A Hemistomia andreae sp. n. B Leiorhagium adioincola sp. n. C Leiorhagium aremuum sp. n. D Leiorhagium neteae sp. n. ac anterior capsule gland, ag albumen gland, bc bursa copulatrix, bd bursal duct, go genital opening, od oviduct, pc posterior capsule gland, rs receptaculum seminis, vc vestibular capsule gland, ve ventral channel
Figure 8 Laocaiasimovi Dedov & Schneppat, sp. nov. genital anatomy, the whole sexual system (A), mal...
Figure 7. Illustration of soft parts with the mantle partially removed: A, Gigantopelta chessoia sp....
FIGURE 7. Penis and accessory gland. A, D – Gabbia campicola, A, ventral view, C.332829, D, dorsal v...
Figure 8 - Penis. A, B Hemistomia andreae sp. n. C Leiorhagium adioincola sp. n. D Leiorhagium aremu...
Figure 7 - Genitalia of Haploptychius and Perrottetia species. A, B Haploptychius p...
Figure 5 - Operculum. A, B Hemistomia andreae sp. n. C, D Leiorhagium adioincola sp. n. E, F Leiorha...
Figure 7. Female reproductive organs of Litthabitella aquaadcrucem (Sotonići, locality 8): (a) femal...
FIGURE 7. Cylindrobulla schuppi sp. nov. genital system. A—receptaculum seminis with sperm attached ...
Figure 7 Sinorachis baihu Wu & Chen, gen. and sp. nov., HBUMM08296-specimen 1, holotype. Both sides ...
Figure 7. Reproductive system of Innesoconcha catletti, AM C.532582, Research Station. A, reproducti...
Figure 7. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the genital system, male phase. (A) Genital system (ri...
FIGURE 6. Distal genitalia of three females of B. angelitae from the Tscheppaschlucht. ag, albumen g...
FIGURE 7. A–L, Cerithidea sinensis. M–V, C. charbonnieri. A, B, Cerithium sinense Philippi, 1848, sy...
Figure 7 - Illustration of Meteorona kishinouyei sp. n., holotype. A gonad B gastric saccule C phace...
Figure 7. Reproductive anatomy of Austrochloritis niangala. (A–C) Penial anatomy: A, AM C.575450, A....
Figure 8 Laocaiasimovi Dedov & Schneppat, sp. nov. genital anatomy, the whole sexual system (A), mal...
Figure 7. Illustration of soft parts with the mantle partially removed: A, Gigantopelta chessoia sp....
FIGURE 7. Penis and accessory gland. A, D – Gabbia campicola, A, ventral view, C.332829, D, dorsal v...
Figure 8 - Penis. A, B Hemistomia andreae sp. n. C Leiorhagium adioincola sp. n. D Leiorhagium aremu...
Figure 7 - Genitalia of Haploptychius and Perrottetia species. A, B Haploptychius p...
Figure 5 - Operculum. A, B Hemistomia andreae sp. n. C, D Leiorhagium adioincola sp. n. E, F Leiorha...
Figure 7. Female reproductive organs of Litthabitella aquaadcrucem (Sotonići, locality 8): (a) femal...
FIGURE 7. Cylindrobulla schuppi sp. nov. genital system. A—receptaculum seminis with sperm attached ...
Figure 7 Sinorachis baihu Wu & Chen, gen. and sp. nov., HBUMM08296-specimen 1, holotype. Both sides ...
Figure 7. Reproductive system of Innesoconcha catletti, AM C.532582, Research Station. A, reproducti...
Figure 7. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the genital system, male phase. (A) Genital system (ri...
FIGURE 6. Distal genitalia of three females of B. angelitae from the Tscheppaschlucht. ag, albumen g...
FIGURE 7. A–L, Cerithidea sinensis. M–V, C. charbonnieri. A, B, Cerithium sinense Philippi, 1848, sy...
Figure 7 - Illustration of Meteorona kishinouyei sp. n., holotype. A gonad B gastric saccule C phace...
Figure 7. Reproductive anatomy of Austrochloritis niangala. (A–C) Penial anatomy: A, AM C.575450, A....
Figure 8 Laocaiasimovi Dedov & Schneppat, sp. nov. genital anatomy, the whole sexual system (A), mal...
Figure 7. Illustration of soft parts with the mantle partially removed: A, Gigantopelta chessoia sp....
FIGURE 7. Penis and accessory gland. A, D – Gabbia campicola, A, ventral view, C.332829, D, dorsal v...